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Cabs Competing with DARIS is having trouble in Coaches and Buses a controlling the use of cabs, in Paris the drivers of which...
That "La donna 6 mobile" may appropriately be sung in an armouKed-car. That the most troublesome dazzle light is that of the...
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returns for September show that the value of commercial vehicles, cars, chassis and accessories imported during that month was...
A KING'S Bench Divisional Court composed of Lord Hewart and Justices Charles and Macnaghten, last Monday, allowed the appeal of...
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an excess clause, which frees the insurance company from making payment in respect of losses which, individually, do not amount...
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Cardiff Corporation is to inspect and try out a Sentinel producer-gas vehicle. Cardiff Corporation is to obtain tenders for...
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Found an Economic Proposition on All Counts Big-capacity Forward-control Four cylinder Lorry has Low Petrol Consumption, Ample...
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How Lower Temperatures and Wet Roads Tend Towards Increased Tyre Life. Avoiding Skids by Paying Attention to Inflation...
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IT GOES BY ROAD Brandon's Putney Brewery, Lid., Operates a Wellkept Fleet of Leyland and Bedford Vehicles The Condition of...
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A MACHINE which is expected to create considerable interest at the 1939 Motor Show, in New York, is that known as the Bantam....
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and UERIES OPERATORS SHOULD BE PREPARED. [5480] In reply to the letter from " Organized " published in your issue of October...
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Representative Examples of a Type of Vehicle that Has Unequalled Merits In Certain Classes of Publicity Service N OT long ago...
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SYSTEM IN COSTING How to Arrive at a Proper Basis 'for Rates Assessment by Keeping a Record of Actual and Estimated Costs T...
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A S stated last week, in our report of the W.D. Trials in North Wales, further tests across rough country were substituted for...
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Self-locating Shoes Expanded by Balanced Action I N our issue dated September 23 we announced, in an article entitled "Brakes...
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A Perkins-engined Chassis, Incorporating a Number of Novel Features, Built by Messrs. Foster and Seddon, of Salford A NEW...
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Deep Sides have a Considerable Practical Value, apart from Lending Themselves to Modern Design and Construction T HE sides of...
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A.R.O. AND BUSINESS IN BACON TRANSPORT. Some time ago the I3acon Development Board approached . A.R.O. for advice on road...
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How Worn Components Are Built Up and Machining Errors Corrected by Electric Deposition Giving Perfect Homogeneity T HE...
Extreme Manceuvrability Provides a Well-equipped Machine of Outstanding Utility For Fire-fighting Purposes rr'HE...
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Improvements in the Design of the Fluvario Pump Which Works on the Eccentricvane Principle S INCE the first description of the...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT SUMMONED FOR SMOKING AT THE WHEEL WHAT was stated to be the first case W of its kind in Portland was...
A PPEARING for Leeds Corporation in its appeal at Leeds, last week, against an independent motorcoach operator's facilities to...
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Sidelights on Commercial Road Transport in these Remote Islands in the North-West of Scotland S ITUATED 85 miles across the...
AODERN works premises for Express IV1Motor and Body Works, Ltd., were opened, last week, on the Great Cambridge Road, Enfield,,...
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I N an 'engine having a gear-type oil pump, the viscosity of the cold oil when starting usually leads to an undesirable rise of...