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Steam-wagon drivers know the value of reversing the valve-gear as a check upon pace when going down hill, and it has become...
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That the Wolseley Co. has designs on the cab trade. Of skating rinks being transformed into garages and workshops. That Sir...
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At the beginning of the year—as a matter of fact in our first issue for 1911, we published a four-page article entitled "About...
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Treasury Expects Registration of Numerous Vehicles upon Inadequate and Uncommercial Terms. Provisional Scheme for the...
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From Our Own Correspondent. 'ommercial motors do not as yet play a prominent part in New Zealand, but they will. Their competi...
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Sews contributions are invited : payment will be mode on publication. Each of the Metropolitan steam omnibuses consumes on an...
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News contributions are invited: payment will be made on publication. Stanley (near Wakefield) U.D.C. is the latest authority...
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This journal is admitted to possess the influence, the men, the standing and the leading circulation. It is exclusively read by...
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News contributions are invited ...payment will be made on publication. On Tuesday last the W. and G." Swimming Club held a...
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The two photographs which we reproduce on this page illustrate one of a couple of speciallydesigned, steam-driven road...
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The Following Article is a Resume of an Interesting Description which appears in the Current Issue of Our Sister Journal "The...
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The Daimler Tram, The Editor, TEE CoMMERCIAL MOTOR. [I,42.1] have 'read Aveimg's letter about, a l'annler train at strike...
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Protos Vans. ` . WHEELS write : We should be obliged if you could inform us the maker of the Protos vans." AssiswErt.—The...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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Selected Information which is likely to be of Interest to Makers, Owners, and their Buyers. Winter Running. Messrs. Leo....
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Complete specifications of the following !patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...