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apt, after the long series of alarms which he has experienced during the past few years, to look upon the critical state of our...
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Power Steering Popular in .U.S.A. T the recent annual meeting of the Society of " Automotive Engineers in America, emphasis...
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That 60,000 into 12 months won't go without some reduction in vehicle-maintenance standards. That many excellent overseas...
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I N a memorandum drawn up for sub mission to the Minister of Transport. the Association of British Chambers of Commerce has...
T HE number of commercial vehicles and chassis exported in January was 14,174. or 17 per cent, higher than the average for the...
f't of the Symington, Lanark, depot of the Road Haulage Executive was presented in the House of Commons, last week, by Mr....
refused a licence to Premier Travel, Ltd., to operate an express service from Cambridge and Huntingdon to Blackpool. He held...
in W the House of Commons last week, Mr. C. R. Hobson declared that many C-licence vehicles were not maintained to a suitable...
A Noption on land forming part of the Bedminster Trading Estate, Bristol, is proposed to be taken by Leyland Motors, Ltd. The...
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A CONFERENCE of 24 local I - 1 authorities and trade unions in Cardiff, last Saturday, adjourned for a fortnight so that...
THE British Transport Commission has decided to appeal to the House of Lords against the ruling of the First Division of the...
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MR. GUY SCOITORN has been appointed to the board of Scottorn, Ltd. MR. G. J. RACKHAM, director.. and chief engineer of Simms...
T HE normal clutch and gearbox drive on a Conveyancer fork-lift truck of 6,000-lb. capacity has been replaced by a torque...
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A N application by Nottingham Transport Department to run bus services to a new corporation estate at Clifton came before the...
IT was contended before the Western 1 Licensing Authority recently by Mr. J. G. Dixon, for the Railway Executive, that Messrs....
W HEN Mr. P. V Dobson, of Levens, near Kendal, applied to the Northern Licensing Authority, last week, for an A licence for one...
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pROPOSALS by six undertakings; five of them municipal, to augment their annualrevenue by higher charges were heard last week...
Argentina has ordered 200 Japanese trolleybuses, reported to cost about U.S. S6m. * * * A 25-ton ,lorry, over 25 ft. long and...
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H ALF-DECK 40-seat coaches may be operated between Glasgow and Thurso if the Scottish Licensing Authority approves an...
A LTHOUGH the Government had stated that steel supplies for civilian purposes would be reduced by only 15 per cent., they had...
WHATEVER Government were in W power, the threat to the freedom of road transport would not disappear until the railways were...
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" T HE existing licence facilities from Catterick camp are in every way adequate and accordingly all the applications are...
"A MOUNTAIN of coke" existed at the Howdon-on-Tyne gasworks because of the lack of transport, the yard foreman, Mr. J. Gray,...
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\ the 25-mi1e Limit By Arthur R. Wilson, M.I.R.T.E. A NOMALIES occur in almost • every item of legislation that . reaches the...
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Light Alloy and Ingenuity have been Combined in an Albion 6-ton Vehicle Hauling Farm Produce T O the order of Smith's Potato...
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efficiency under operating conditions is difficult to estimate by dynamometer tests, and for this reason many of the figures...
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damper . there is a compressible medium in the system to allow for the extra volume of the piston rod as it enters the working...
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PRESSES ON By Alfred Woolf, B.A. p RESSED metal bodywork is regarded by some coachbuilders as a form of 20th century black...
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IN your issue dated February 1, you referred to coaching to theatres in Glasgow and Edinburgh from country districts. You may...
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By A. E. Sheriock-Mesher W INCHESTER, cathedral city, administrative centre of Hampshire and capital of England in the time of...
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and Cure T HREE separate, approaches were made to the contentious phenomenon of "knock" in internal-combustion engines, in...
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for Radial Services Mr. D. McKenna Gives His Views on How Plans for New Towns Can Most Conveniently Be Arranged so that Public...
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The Chancellor receives many appeals for reductions in duties at this time of the year and the proposal made by your Federation...
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I HAVE been asked to deal with the problem of quoting for municipal hire, giving current figures for costs and charges for both...
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A SELF-ADJUSTING tappet of IA exceptional simplicity forms the subject of patent No. 662,501, which comes from W. Scott,...