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S TATISTICS can be made to prove anything, and in ambitious hands "Statistics of Public Road Passenger Transport in Great...
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Transport-18 Edward Liardet I T is, perhaps, rather odd that the chairman and managing director of Simms Motor and...
A N attempt by drivers to enforce a closed shop has caused a Midland haulier to apply to the Licensing Authority for extra...
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Ilerit Rewarded `"'ONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Leslie James on his appoint-, ment to the board of A. D. Forsey (Transport), Ltd.,...
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A CONTRACT between Sir Robert McAlpine and Sons, Ltd., civil engineering contractors, and Messrs. S. Protheroe and Son,...
A SCHEDULE of rates for the haulage of grain in bulk has been prepared by the agricultural group national committee of the Road...
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D ELEGATES from the National Road Transport Federation who went to the Treasury on Monday to make representations on taxation...
Mr. James Decides .B Y a "wilful and deliberate breach of their normal user, Shepherd and Hough, Ltd., Earlswood, Warwicks,...
O UTPUT of 37,369 goods vehicles in December, 1959, brought the total for the year to 353,105, according to Board of Trade...
A N unfavourable report on the sugges tion to reintroduce the id. fare for one stage has been made to the West Hartlepool...
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MR. GUY SCOTTORN has been appointed chairman and managing director of Scottorn, Ltd. SIR GILES GUTHRIE has become deputy...
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T HE " pink zone " approach to urban traffic congestion was entirely negative and ignored the . basic function of a city, Mr....
D EVELOPMENT difficulties associated . with the Gyreacta transmission. system for large passenger vehicles were described by...
A REBUKE to Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd., was given at . Bridlington on Tuesday by Maj. F. S. Eastwood, chairman of the Yorkshire...
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‘•-•• scored a convincin g victory over British Railways when Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., and Ribblesdale Coachways, Ltd.,...
TWO Bills dealin g with road problems I are now expected from the Government this sprin g , writes our political correspondent....
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A LTHOUGH an application to the Northern Traffic Commissioners by a newcomer to run a special service to take civil servants to...
173,675 Deficit: Hull Transport Committee expect a £73,675 accumulated deficit in the year ending March 31, 1961. Depot Move:...
S TRONG support from the Guardbridge Paper Co., Ltd., Guardbridgc, Fife, did not help an applicant for a licence to run a bus...
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'THE withdrawal of meat-delivery services by closed vans in Dundee was I described as a retrograde step by Mr. Alex Robertson,...
D ECAT_T S E the public had a • "tradi tional regard" for the railways, the great advantages of carrying goods by road were...
I T was becoming uneconomic to send a contract-A-licensed pantechnicon on long journeys to return empty. This was the reason...
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A REPEAT order for 10 Regent Mark V chassis has been secured by A.E.C., Ltd. from Oporto Municipality, Portugal. Double-deck...
T HE ultimate effect of the £49m. expansion plan announced by the British Motor Corporation last week will be to increase...
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FFICIENCY in distribution would hinge upon . goods and 'materials being held in stores as close tO the consumer as possible,...
H AULIERS should not be discouraged from going before a -traffic court as early as possible to put right their activities, Mr"....
Goodwill Tipping Co., Uld. Cap. £300, Dirs.: • Mrs. Nancy Welsh, 67 Brantley Road, London, .11„. Mrs. Mary Wall, 132 Gypsy...
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T HE first of a fleet of armoured vehicles, desi g ned for the carria g e of cash and valuables, is due to g o into service in...
WHEN Richmond Road Gara g es, Ltd., VV Sheffield, applied for the renewal of an A licence for 14 vehicles of 654 tons. at...
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seaboard installations from which they were carried by barge or coastal tanker to secondary installations, or by road or rail...
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r0MPLEX problems in international commercial road transport, both passen g er and frei g ht, were mentioned last week by Sir...
W HEN Robinsons Transport (Carlisle), Ltd., applied to Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Lic e nsin g Authority, last week, to...
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A N Albion Reiver six-wheeler which has been put into service by Morgans Brewery Co., Ltd., Norwich, for the transport of...
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T HE railways' share of total inland goods traffic felt from about 60 per cent. in 1938 to 44 per cent. in 1958 and to about 42...
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P ASSENGER chassis have been selected by two local authorities for the building of mobile libraries. Barrow in Furness have...
T HE transport manager of a delivery fleet in Natal, South Africa, has devised a novel piece of equipment for quickly remedying...
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A LTHOUGH Mr. W. P. S. Ormond, Eastern Licensing Authority, slashed the number of vehicles applied for, his grant of a base at...
The Wrexham and Flintshire Sub-area of the Road Haulage Association are concerned over the dripping of water on to the highway...
AA CASE of much interest was heard at Preston earlier in the month, when Killingbcck (Transport), Ltd., Blackburn, sought to...
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THE importance of a proper know ledge of licensing procedure is not atways realized, even by the larger haulage organizations....
S INCE the appointment of Mr. R. Donaldson as full-time representative and secretary of the Northern Scottish Area of the Road...
Restrictive Conditions QUGGESTIONS that the North N-) Western and Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners' decisions to prohibit...
D RIVERS' fraudulent records had not only involved Canterbury Sidecars, Ltd., South Ockendon, Essex, in court proceedings but...
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A TEST of one of the latest . A.E.C. Mercury fourwheelers made it easy to understand why this model has remained one of the...
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R EFERRING to your report of Mr. A. H. Carter's paper on new vehicles for motorways (January 15), I think it is a retrograde...
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G OING one better than Oxford, the University of Wigan, if my information is to be believed, has set up a transport department,...
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" AN you advise us as to the legal definition of a dumper and whether a carrier's licence is needed to operate such a vehicle...
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INTEttEST is growing in the all-rotary 'engine and patent No. 826,095 describes a unit of this type. (Institut Francais du...