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Sympathetic Hearing For Tax Cases
D ELEGATES from the National Road Transport Federation who went to the Treasury on Monday to make representations on taxation were particularly impressed by the sympathetic......
66 Wilful And Deliberate" Breach
Mr. James Decides .B Y a "wilful and deliberate breach of their normal user, Shepherd and Hough, Ltd., Earlswood, Warwicks, had been able to earn considerable sums of money,......
Over 350,000 Goods Models Made In 1959
O UTPUT of 37,369 goods vehicles in December, 1959, brought the total for the year to 353,105, according to Board of Trade statistics. A total of 1,846 passenger vehicles was......
Manager Opposes Return To Id.
A N unfavourable report on the sugges tion to reintroduce the id. fare for one stage has been made to the West Hartlepool Transport Committee by Mr. A. C. Barlow, general......