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T HF. Government's decision to allow British Road Services to keep their trunk network is no stroke of political genius. It...
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I T is significant that, according to the annual report of the Ministry of Labour for 1954, more days were lost last year...
Virtue Out of Adversity q0ivIE hauliers think that the prestige advertising '-' campaign which the Road Haulage Association...
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That the dispute over Oxford's proposed new by-pass is developing into a Town v. Gown squabble. That some say most motorists...
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MO action is to be taken by the Metro politan Licensin g Authority a g ainst C. Bristow, Ltd., Solebay Street, London, E.3,...
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T HE Government's decision to allow British Road Services to keep their trunk network is nci stroke of political genius. It...
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I T is significant that, according to the annual report of the Ministry of Labour for 1954, more days were lost last year...
Virtue Out of Adversity S OME hauliers think that the prestige advertising campaign which the Road Haulage Association are to...
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That the dispute over Oxford's proposed new by-pass is developing into a Town v. Gown squabble. That some say most motorists...
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MO action is to be taken by the Metro politan Licensing Authority against C. Bristow, Ltd., Solebay Street, London, E.3, who,...
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A.B.C.C. Welcome Government Plan : Hope of End of Political Controversy Commission under the 1953 Act in respect of the...
R is understood that delegates repreenting over 200,000 London and provincial busmen have demanded that the Transport and...
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AA T the magistrates' court in Eye, Suffolk, last Friday, Mrs. M. Lovell, of Cranley Hill, Eye, was fined £7, with El costs,...
MR. K. I. Bass has become a generalline representative of the Avon India. Rubber Co., Ltd., covering Lincolnshire. MR. F. A....
Mr. Gardner, who was 81, died last week after a brief illness. He was chairman and a managing director of L. Gardner and Sons,...
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A N agricultural haulier, Mr. Joseph Thirlwall, Croglin, Cumberland, appealed unsuccessfully before the Transport Tribunal, in...
N EW workshops to handle overhaul, and repairs for all vehicles in the northern fleet of the National Benzole Co., Ltd., were...
L ONG-TERM road projects which the Minister of Transport was considering may be suspended for the time being [writes our...
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rASES of drivers receiving loads through clearing houses and misappropriating the goods are increasing alarmingly. In the City...
B IRMINGHANCS plan to extend the scope of its concessionary fares scheme on the corporation's buses has been lost. The...
U NLESS traffic congesteon in Leicestei were eased, it would be impractic• able to operate the municipal buF• services in their...
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F IVE commissioners appointed by the chairman of committees of the House of Lords and the chairman of Ways and Means committee...
IN the past financial year, the Western I Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., carried over 94m. passengers—some 2-1m. more than in the...
Hastings Tramway Co. will be attained on Sunday. . The company, although founded in 1900, opened their ' first routes on July...
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jr is now legal to use a straddle carrier I which complies with all the Construction and Use Regulations except those relating...
L'OLLOWING the application by Mr. W. H. Gray to operate a horsebox to .carry racehorses (The Commercial Motor last week), two...
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D ECISION was reserved at Leeds last week by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority on an application by 16 bus operators for...
IN Edinburgh, last week, Allison's I Transport (Contracts), Ltd., 119 Clepington Road, Dundee, appealed against the Scottish...
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Express Services, Excursions and Contract Work Form the Bulk of the Business of Sheffield United Tours by Andrew Seacombe D...
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COR a vehicle to be overpowered A rather than underpowered is to be preferred in the interests of economical running, according...
F OR the next 10 or 20 years, highway construction was going to be one of the most. conspicuous features in the life of the...
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O NE of the most interesting types of trailer ever built has been produced by R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., Grafton Street,...
A MANUAL control giving high-, mediumand low-pressure braking for trailers has been produced by the Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd.,...
B USINESS in the commercial-vehicle industry is booming. In the first six months of the year, 165,758 vehicles were built,...
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S t/TABLE for a gross vehicle weight of 101 tons, the new B.M.C. 7boner, which was announced this week, represents a. fresh...
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T HE production of 'commercial vehicles in Japan has shown a steady increase since 1949. In that year, 15,843 good.s vehicles...
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By John Savage, A.I.R.T.E. T HE distribution of ice-cream by yoad presents many problems. Dealing with seasonal, daily and even...
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A ST week I suggested that mistrust of the possibility of selling many more large units, rather than a conversion to the...
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M ORE purchases of units in list 11 are reported this week. The largest acquisition is of 12 vehicles, which Were spread over...
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L ARGE increases in the taxation on . 1 -- 0 oil fuel and petrol. and a tenfold advance in the federal tax on giant tyres,...
Amey's Transport (0Xford). Ltd.. have opened an office and depot in Oxford, The LlitiOn Tyre Co.. Ltd., have opened a depot at...
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Yet—Government Spokesmen By Our Parliamentary Correspondent \V AS the road programme being dealt with as a matter of urgency,...
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A HIRE car and a taxi are both hackney carriages. The tax on a hackney carriage is based on seating capacity, being £10 per...
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'THE latest types of Midland " Red " I doubleand single-deck bus were used last week for a demonstration of the Essex washer...
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T HE operation of clutches or brakes by a pneumatically *expanded rubber bag is described in patent No. 730,576, by The General...