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The fuel duty increase is on hold — until November, at least. Jennifer Ball and David Craik report. THE CHANCELLOR has...
MIDLAND EXPRESSWAY'S (MEL) decision to slash the charge for trucks using the M6 Toll to £6 has been welcomed by operators and...
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with capital quick fix THE FREIGHT Transport Association has urged the industry to be cautious about the concessions won by...
LYNX EXPRESS has become the latest company to join pallet network Pallet-Track. which started operating in January following a...
Three Manchester men have been jailed for nearly seven years in total after Customs broke up a fuel laundering plant in Bolton...
The Nightowl truckstop in Birtley was evacuated last Wednesday (22 July) following a chemical spill from a truck. No-one was hurt.
Fifteen truck drivers were stranded last Monday (26 July) after a train broke down outside the French entrance to the Channel...
Our expectations of news on the defence vehicle contract were confounded last week as the government excluded its decision from...
Forgetting to pay London's congestion charge now costs £50, rising to £100 after 14 days and £150 after 28.
If you have a news story for CM call our 24-hour hotline on 0208 652 3689.
Gremlins got into the weighbridge on our recent Volvo FM9 6X2 roadtest (CM 22 July). The correct unladen weight of the...
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Jeff Lewis is out of prison and back in business as freight forwarder Tree Freight. But angry operators say he owes them money....
For a company that few in Europe had heard of a decade ago. the Indian company is rapidly becoming a significant global force....
THE VEHICLE and Operator Services Agency has appointed a new chief executive to replace Maurice Newey, who is retiring. The...
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Barry Proctor warns that speed cameras have evolved to pick off hapless HGV drivers. What's to be done? Our correspondent...
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We always knew it was a sham, but the announcement regarding road charging in the government's transport plan just confirmed...
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A Whitefriar International creditor has finally given up its campaign to get the money it's owed. David Harris reports. ONE OF...
THE DRIVING Standards Agency has been accused of being "amoral" and "unethical" after a consultative document included plans to...
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BRISTOL-BASED commercial vehicle dealer Commercial World has had its consumer credit licence revoked by the Office of Fair...
THE TRAFFIC Management Bill, which became law last week (22 July). has received a qualified welcome from various road transport...
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Take a stroll with us through the little sideroads of haulage, the diversions and detours, the quirky, the quixotic and the...
A critic of anti-truck crime policies has warned against channelling resources into TruckVVatch instead of the police. CHRIS...
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Futuristic ID is on the cards for port-bound drivers in the aftermath of 1 9/1 1'. Guy Sheppard reports. UK PORTS could soon...
VOSA HAS launched its operator self-service scheme, which is designed to ease the paperwork burden for transport companies....
TRANSPORT MINISTER David Jamieson says legislation allowing police to take action against foreign operators breaking rules in...
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An Oldham company wafts for the fate of its 0-licence following a tvvo-day public inquiry. Michael Jewell reports. MAPLE...
A TRUCK driver had a narrow escape when youths hurled a brick at his windscreen on the M57 in Merseyside. The incident...
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VAN DRIVERS carrying hazardous cargo will need ADR training and certification by early 2007. - A lot will depend on the size...
SLOUGH-BASED Bruce Bishop & Sons has been ordered to pay £6,312 in fines and costs for illegally dumping waste oil. Swindon...
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So just what is the future of transport according to Alistair Darling? CM'S news team has been trying to find out. A listair...
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Karl Rout has helped provide operators travelling through Suffolk with a much needed rest. Chris Tindall takes a break on the...
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JAM an international truck driver. I read with dismay your comments on Italian and French motorway service areas (CM1 July)....
WHATA SURPRISE -the government has ignored road transport yet again in its transport plans. Five pages out of 139 is an...
I READ with interest your article entitled"Work time: Don't surrender" (CA122 July) and enjoyed he idea that the...
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At long last, VOSA has launched its operator self-service system. Emma Penny looks at how the El .5m project will work in...
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A poor failure rate means an operator's licence is trimmed even though the dealership admits responsibility. A SCANIA...
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A REVOKED operator has won an appeal to the Transport Tribunal which ruled that North Western Traffic Commissioner Beverley...
ADANGEROUSLY overloaded furniture vehicle has cost a Southall-based operator £1,500 in fines and costs: its driver was fined...
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A CUMBRIAN operator has escaped a warning for defective brakes on a trailer involved in an accident after an inquiry accepted...
A TRAVELLER whose vehicle was involved in a fatal accident has had his licence suspended until the unit passes its annual test...
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I am a property developer and I do not have an HGV licence. Can I legally drive a cabonly unit? It would be useful to me when I...
I am an owner-oriver working out of ports such as Felixstowe and have noticed drivers arriving from Poland, Czechoslovakia and...
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Occasionally my joc requires me to move demountable cabins from A to B on public roads. The majority of these cabins contain...
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Becoming a limited company can help protect your 0-licence — Tim Ridyard of solicitors Barker Gotelee explains. O ne of the...
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Financial standing, good repute and professional competence are the holy trinity of operator licensing. In the first of a...
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Min this week's issue (page 32) AI Medina Transport won back its repute at an appeal before the Transport Tribuna. It ruled the...
The TO can consider criminal convictions when considering repute, including those of the operator's employees, But spent...
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This week's roadtest subject is definitely a niche product Not only is the Sprinter 316 one of the fastest vans on the road, it...
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With tyre management playing a greater role than ever when it comes to costs, the Beissbarth Servomat MS65OR tyre changer is...
Load linings may be standard issue for a lot of vehicles nowadays, but there are plenty out there that come without....
Pump and hydraulic parts specialist PCM has produced a product catalogue featuring an extensive range of OEM brands from a...
Brake friction company Ferodo has launched its 2004/05 catalogue, providing comprehensive brake pad, shoe and disc application...
Champion has developed sparking plug technology that is designed for enhanced cold starting and greater resistance to fouling....
ESAB portable plasma cutter should be ideal for smaller workshops. THE ESAB CaddyCut offers small workshops a portable....
USING AIR tools could lead to wastage over the long-term due to a difference in working pressure requirements. The Saveair...
FACTORS SUCH as road vibration and overheated wheels can cause wheel nuts to become loose, potentially leading to wheel...
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Emma Penny reports on a firm that's tackled fuel economy head-on and saved E 1 00,000 in two years. T he figures are...
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Bunkering can cut your fuel bill. But Steve Banner warns that you can't afford to overlook the latest fuel storage...
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The debate is hotting up over which technology offers the best solution to the forthcoming Euro-4 limit. Andy Salter reviews...
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The UK is the biggest Vauxhall Combo customer, so the launch of three new engines will be of major importance if the rise of...
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Jigsaw Solutions consists of eight operators and a single no-frills "provider'. Tim Maughan sees how the firm fits together....
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I have always thought that my office runs fairly smoothly and that, if I was not on site, everything would still tick over like...
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hard data KOLE A software company is working out revaluation figures for those who control the purse strings. W inology...
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Vehicle depreciation is an essential factor when calculating your fixed running costs, but it's sometimes more of an art than a...
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Duncan Ward, British Car Auctions' UK development manager for CVs, reviews the auction scene, where business is booming. p ast...
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Introduced in 2001 to meet Euro-3, Daf's LF45 plays a pivotal role in the UK's 7.5-tonne scene. Geoff Ashcroft explains why....