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T C HIS ISSUE of The ,'ommercial Motor must , necessarily come into the hands of many new readersamongst farmers and...
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That the world is million mad. That the good make will always make good. Of Peak loads for chars-h-bancs in Derbyshire. That...
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The wheel of wealth wall be slowed bp all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is bv the...
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Full Report of the. Machinery Section, Which Covers Farm Transport, Motors and Power-driven Agricultural Implements. T HE...
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T HE FIRST STANDS to catch the eye on entering the Show are Nos. 183, 184, and 185, and as they cover an area of 34,500 square...
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T HERE WERE FEWER tractors than we expected to see considering the size and importance of the Show, but the better known makes...
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Enterprise in the Use of Steam and Petrol Vehicles on Brewery and General Transportation, and the Extensive Employment of...
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On What Lines will the Industry Develop ? A WELL-KNOWN. provincial morning newspaper, inindicating lines,on which road...
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By the Inspector. I T HAS ALWAYS been rather a puzzle to me why those responsible for the conduct of the Northcliffs group of...
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A Machine Designed for Drawing a Single Plough and for Cultivating Between the Rows of Growing Crops. IN THE tractor world, a...
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The Factor of the Fields—A War Weakness—The Problem of Power—Designing for the Farm—Pneumatics and Perishable Produce. T HE...
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An American Chassis, with a Herschel!Spillman Engine and Worm Drive. W E WERE RECENTLY afforded an opportunity of inspecting...
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The Dependency of North-country Industries Upon the Motor Vehicle for Development. THE . USES to which motor vehicles are...
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An Appeal for Better Protection from the Elements. The Need of a Simple Cab. A N ARTICLE recently appeared in this journal...
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Pariculars of the New Karrier Models and a Description of the Works where they are Produced. ANY MANUFACTURERS have slogans,...
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Some Interesting Hints on the Selection and Care of Petrol Tractors. T HESE HINTS on the selection, care, and . . maintenance...
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, Important Matters of Topical Interest to Proprietors of Motor Coaches. Char-a-banes Passengers. Char-a-banes Passengers. T...
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Particularly Addressed to Those Who are Replacing Horsed Vehicles by Motors, or Contemplating So Doing. T H do E TYPE of van...
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A T THE PRESENT time, a very large number of people appear to be investigating the possibilities of rural transportation, and...
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The " Royal " Agricultural Show and Its Value in Educating the Farmer to the Use of Power. 41 T HE AGRICULTURAL show season...
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An Occasional Chat on Subjects and Problems of Interest to Those Who are Engaged, or About to be Engaged, in Running Commercial...
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TEN SHILLINGS is paid to the sender of any letter which we publish on this page. and an EXTRA FIVE SHILLINGS to the sender of...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. If we except one or two patented designs, of which little has been heard or read...