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V ITALLY important as is our war effort in the factories and munition works, the maximum production of essential foodstuffs is...
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R OAD transport may be looked upon by the railways as a nuisance when it competes with them, whilst the Government is inclined...
they did, after all, use signposts in their jounieyings. When the signposts were ordered to be removed, they were not dismayed;...
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LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT RATES T HE schedule of rates for the carriage of livestock has been well received in all parts of the...
S TRONG criticism of the attitude of the L.M.S. Railway, during the collection of the sugar-beet crop last year, was voiced by...
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A S Swedish imports of liquid fuel and oils by the usual routes have become practically impossible, through war developments,...
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Pointing to a Series of Agricultural Operations for the Successful Completing of which Mechanical Plant is Imperative How the...
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I N one decade which was completed shortly before the outbreak of war, this country lost 142,000 workers from its farms....
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Helping the National Foodproduction Plans and Seeking to Remove Restrictions Which Hamper the User of Tractors WITH a view to...
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No. 4. The Causes of Bead Failure SURPRISING number of tyres In⢠fail at the bead, mostly through causes which are well...
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A Specialized Branch in Which Hauliers Are Faced with Complicated Conditions Which Make It Essential to Give Special...
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...THE inability of numerous manu facturers, engaged on national work, to obtain adequate supplies of petrol for their...
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P OSSIFILY, few people realize the extent to which the small horticultural tractor has become popular in recent years. The...
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and what they involve F UEL problems in connection with 1 agricultural machinery belong rather to a class of their own,...
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E CONOMY in two directions is represented by the outfit depicted in the accompanying illustrations. It includes a Fordson...
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T'YPICAL of Modern light fire-fight 1 ing apparatus, and representative of the range of such equipment made and marketed by...
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DEPRECIATION CUTS HELP GLASGOW G LASGOW'S municipal transport undertaking has finished the financial year, which ended on May...
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T HIS is an appropriate issue for reviewing both the accomplishment of the Government's 1939-40 ploughing-up campaign, and the...
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What was Revealed by a Recent Visit to the Works of David Brown Tractors, Ltd., which Builds Not Only Tractors But Also a Range...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications Obtain4le from the Patent Office, Price !s. Each A BRAKE in which the...