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I N 11 days' time Mr. Peter Thorneycroft presents his first Budget as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Road transport users look to...
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T HE roars of the leaders of the shipbuilding, engineering and railway unions have drowned the angry mumblings in the Transport...
Buses To Last 25 Years? W HAT should be the life of a commercial vehicle? Normally, no definite answer can be given to this...
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That thousands of trailers made of stainless steel are in use in America and most of them are unpainted. Of someone wondering...
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IT is understood that a rise of £1 2s. a week is being sought by the 100,000 employees of company bus undertakings in the...
Army Vehicle A LTHOUGH it has proved unsatisfactory, a 5-cwt. military vehicle will cost £14m., plus £2.4m. for the initial...
T HE attempt by the unions to persuade the Government to reduce the maximum legal working hours for drivers from 11 to 10 per...
T HEMetropolitan Licensing Authority last Friday adjourned until today the hearing of an application by N. Francis and Co.,...
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THERE is no ground for confining the application of the provisions • of Section 9(4) of the 1953 Act to the control only of...
keep proper records of hours worked by drivers should be brought to the attention of all transport users, said Mr. Justice...
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MR. T. H. L. PARmit, formerly chief instructor of the service school of F. Perkins, Ltd., has been appointed sales training...
COLLOWING an appeal by three bus companies and the railways, the Minister of Transport has restricted the conditions of a...
Potteries: Mr. R. J. H, Nurser. chairman; Mr. A. E.7 - BoOth, Mr. A. E. Oakden, vice-chairmen; Mr. If. Harvey, honorary...
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I F the existing vehicle allowance were increased, the number of unrestricted vehicles per destination should be reduced....
WHEN Mr. G. R. Nicholas, Kelsall, VV near-Chester, applied on Monday to Mr. J. R. Lindsay, North Western Deputy Licensing...
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I - 1 A RECENT addition to the Austin range is a 4-tormer powered by the B.M.C. 3.4-litre oil engine. Designed to supplement...
£25m. Extra Tax : So far the emergency increase of Is. a gallon in fuel duty has produced £25m. Crompton Move: The Darlington...
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T HE only -traffic to which Leigh Corporation had any claim on the proposed new Leigh-Bolton service were the 117,000...
THL Federation of Municipal Pasger Transport Employers have told Manchester Transport Department to cease paying bonuses to...
F OLLOWING the precedent set by the emergency legislation which allowed bus operators quickly to raise their fares after, the...
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T "principle that Operators who supplied the - day-to-day services in an area should be given the first opportunity to provide...
INTERWORKING by hauliers during 1 the fuel emergency had not been undertaken widely, Mr. R. G. Crowther, national chairman of...
Dawson , Harperdenc, Black• pool Road, Ashton on Ribble,. Preston; W. E. Dawson, Beacon Dens, 11 First• Avenue, 'Ashton on...
THE Duke of Edinburgh is to pay an informal visit to the Motor Industry Research Association's research laboratory and proving...
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r'HIEF feature of a new body built on a Commer 11-ton oil-engined chassis by Palmer Coachbuilder. Ltd., Twickenham Road,...
M ANY hauliers, particularly operators of one or two vehicles, will have to face loss of livelihood at the end of the month in...
A N excursion operator's concentration on non-competitive destinations, to ' the exclusion of popular resorts, could not be a...
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T HE Transport Tribunal last week dismissed the appeal by Silver Roadways, Ltd., London, E.16, against the refusal of the...
VULLY automatic transmission. power-assisted steering and heaters for both decks are included in a Route' master 64-seater...
C ONSTRUCHON work is to start at once on the second patt of the Neath by-pass. The first part of the scheme, already completed,...
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A LTHOUGH they were not licensed to pick up in Doncaster, the applicants were doin g so, and were takin g no steps to stop it,...
WM have arrived at a point in the VV case of companies which operate both sta g e and express services . where the sta g e...
vir/ARNING of increasin g competition VV from the railways was g iven by Maj. F. S. Eastwood, Yorkshire Licensin g Authority,...
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• A FTER announcing last week that the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., had produced an• experimental...
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Dual-purpose Single-decker IMPROVED bodywork styling, special seats and ample luggage aeorrirnoda • tion are features of the...
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A SIDE of the British export market that rarely receives the credit it deserves is the sale overseas of British engines and...
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sport By S. Buckley, Assucinst.T. T HIRTY-SEVEN years ago today, Mr. Harold Wood did his first job in haulage-31 tons of....
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QPEC1FICALLY designed to combat fires on inflammable liquids, including alcohols and industrial solvents, and electrical...
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S INCE the Appeal Tribunal became part of the Transport Tribunal in 1951, the decisions have been at once more lucid and more...
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many sMall independent I coach. operators like myself who are gradually. being . pushed out of the private-hire field by gross...
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C LAIMED to be the largest onemake exhibition of commercial vehicles ever to be held in this country; the present display of...
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I N The Commercial Molar dated March 8, The Hawk referred to the anomaly that operators should have to pay tax on fuel used for...
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W HEN all the major road schemes started in 1955 are completed, and if it were possible to place them end to end, it would take...
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PA A DESIGN for the pre-combustion chamber of an oil engine is described in patent No. 766,233. The aims are better fuel-air...