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M INISTRIES are often accused of taking an unconscionable time to come to decisions, but even delay may be better than the...
A Great Story of (UT of the goodness of his an Army Greatcoat ‘ " . F . heart, a lorry driver gave Bargain a lift to a man in...
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Hears— "Who sent strikes to Coventry?" That it appears the Comet is, in fact, a star turn. That seating in tiers may provide...
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WRIT FOR L.T.V. I AST week Mr. Justice Vaisey gave leave to serve notice of motion with a writ in an action brought by W. H....
A LTHOUGH London's total popular - k lion is 200,000 fewer than before the war, Londoners travelled 2,686,000,000 more miles...
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NO MORE WOOD BLOCKS? PARTICULAR concern about the 1 dangerous surfaces of some roads in the London Traffic Area is expressed in...
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rOACHES bringing visitors to Great Britain are to be allowed to stay for 90 days, instead of 28 days as at present. without...
SIR GEORGE BEHARRELL, chairman of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., has returned to England after a visit to the Australian Dunlop...
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A T a joint meeting convened at. the House of Commons by Mrs. Leah Maiming, M.P , and Mrs, Christine Taylor, chairman of the...
"The Law of Trade Unions," by H. Samuels, M.A., is to present in brief compass an account of this branch of law as 'it' nciW...
Ni passenger transport in Madras is to spread over five years. According to Mr. Daniell Thomas, Minister of Transport, the...
Bus Deliveries Fail VIGURES indicating the lag in the supply of new buses to the Yorkshire Woollen District Transport Co.,...
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LUBRICATION Vorth the Cost? O PERATORS of commercial vehicles might be inclined to dismiss automatic lubrication as an...
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QETTING a high standard of alluiround efficiency, the new Dennis ,F.2 • fire-engine was demonstrated last week • to Press...
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T HE first of a series of eight Dairrder three-axle trolleybus chassis, which are being supplied to Rotherham Corporation, was...
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electric Vehicle T HE Q battery-electric gives an immediate impression of superiority and refinement of finish which can be...
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AffY attention has been drawn to an article which LVI appeared in your issue dated February 6, under the heading "Bearing...
I HAVE read with interest an article and letters concerning the advisability of the chairman of the Road Haulage Association...
TIS criticism of Mr. Henry Dutfield's acceptance of 1 office is in poor taste and it lacks foresight. Let us suppose that the...
I WAS extremely interested by the letter from I " R.E.M.E." in your issue dated February 27 His strictures on spreading...
AiTAY I ask you, as a reader of your journal, how AVI the commercial-vehicle repairers will stand as a result of the coming...
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Success of the Great Grou Small Measure Dependent Road Transport. Large-so Way to More E Experiment is in No a Sound System of...
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QEVERAL articulated outfits, compris1,J ing Bedford tractors and Tasker semitrailers with 1,640 cubic ft. bodies, arc being run...
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An Assessment of Minimum Charges Based on a Maintenance Schedule Operated by Lever Bros. and Unilever, Ltd. I N assessing the...
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A New Method of Mounting Bus Bodies F R" the Brush Electrical Engineermg Co., Ltd., and F. Rayer, both . of Nottingham Road,...