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Times of national trouble usually see the emergence of some statesmanlike figure to inspire and lead the country. On this...
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3 massive backlog! CM went to press thounds of drivers nationwide ,.re returning to work with e news that both sides in the...
EYLAND Vehicles last week got a new-look management tructure which brings all the company's worldwide sales and larketing...
THERE will be a new tractive unit from Seddon Atkinson appearing during 1979 according to managing director Barney White....
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DRIVERS at Roadline UK's Dartford depot in Kent resumed their strike this week after receiving a management "ultimatum" which...
IRELAND's national -b strike CM last week) h ended, following an interi judgement by the Labo Court. After a hearing by ti...
DISTRICT councils could take over traffic management powers from county councils if the Government has its way. In a White...
THE GOVERNMENT is contemplating a change in the qualifications for drivers of vehicles with over 17 seats not carrying...
MEMBERS of owner-drivers associations in the South are to ahead with plans for a new central organisation to coyl associations...
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ADVISORY, Conciliation and Arbiion Service's long-awaited and h - leaked report, Industrial Relations he Coaching Industry, has...
13.5m investment programme for fords Removals and Travel over the t three years is being matched by a r management structure...
IN THEORY, Transport Secretary William Rodgers and his right hand man John Horam were in for an hour of unmitigated hell. There...
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UTAIN is bound to come under greater pressure to find a way making tachographs acceptable to trade unions now that eland has...
EIGHT zones in London banned lorries, two more bans were to be introduced shortly, and 28 were under consideration, reported...
OMPLAINTS about the conition at Greater London ouncil's Purley Way cornion user freight terminal in roydon have been put to LC...
PRODUCTION of commercial vehicles in December 1978 totalled 35,735, an average of 7,147 vehicles per week. The Department of...
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Coatbridge Eurogrant FREIGHTLINER is expanding its Coatbridge terminal with the help of a £75,000 grant from the EEC's...
THE UNIT LOAD Show, which was to be held at the Conference Centre, Wembley on February 7-9 has been postponed until July 4-6....
LESTER EXPRESS Freight has formed a separate company to run its commercial vehicle sales business. The new company is called...
MANY privately-owned hauliers could absorb substantial wage rises without needing to increase their charges significantly,...
REFRIGERATED vehicles can now be hired from Tricentrol Truck and Van Rental of Dunstable. Six fridge vans of normal three and...
EXPERIMENTS with more in formative signals are plannei for the MI, and on the M4 computerised system con nected to electronic...
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Mr Morris, who was previously its original director, has overall responsibility for the area, which extends from South Cumbria...
THE FIRST STAGE of a sixyear improvement programme for the A75 Gretna-Stranraer road opened this week when the Newton Stewart...
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Waving the flag by John Bull ONLY ONE British manufacturer was represented at last week's Bri Tyrex International Exhibition...
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GARAGE equipment manufacturer TI Transport Equipment Ltd has opened a new 020,000 training centre at its Daventry base. The...
competence of the garage mechanic. It will also be a symposium centre for groups such as transport equipment distributors,...
k NEW type of load strap for box vans and trailers has been ieveloped by Brownline. The new strap has two outstanding...
1, NEW heavy-duty floor cleaner has been introduced by Mayvil 7hemicals. Designed to remove grease and oil from a variety of...
k NEW edition has been published of the List of Members and lassified List of Products of the Stainless Steel Febricators'...
THE HYDRASEAL wet clutch is now being distributed in the UK by Commercial Transmissions of Chesterfield. This wet clutch is...
LITESOLD has produced a new battery-operated soldering iron for use where a mains supply is not available or the connecting...
CRAVEN Tasker is to market +GF /Haacon trailer landing gear in the United Kingdom, and will service existing contracts and...
MANGOOD of Pontypool has launched a commercial vehicle weighbridge for lorries of up to 80 tons and 11 axles. Consisting of...
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SWEDISH bus manufacturer Scania Bussar still intends to keep the section of the British bus market won by the...
WALLACE Arnold's Euroways express service is to be inaugurated on May 19 with a specially built air-sprung fully-automatic...
LEYLAND Vehicles is inv€ tigating whether it can offet manually-geared model in ti present range to cater for Al Reliance...
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lAJOR service reorganisaons are on the way for West orkshire PTE and its neighouring operators. The PTE is surveying the lain...
Merthyr's bargain Scanias MERTHYR Tydfil Borough Council has sold its two 1973 Metro-Scania single-deckers to a dealer. They...
I. NEW insurance scheme for oach operators has been lunched by Lloyd's and city nsurance broker R. L. Dayion and Company. The...
:OACH operator Hugh McColl, of Keil, Benderloch, is to , perate two new services in the West Highland area next season. a a...
ASSETS of the Van Hool body building plant in Dublin are to be sold off in a Elm-plus auction to be held probably this month....
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THE REPORT of the comparative trials of articulated vehicles carried out by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory (see CM,...
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he Transport Manager's andbook 1979 is written by avid Lowe (published by ogan Page Ltd, 120 PenInville Road, London Ni, ice...
I READ with interest the article entitled ''Help apprentices build tool kits on pages 40 and 41 of the January 19 CM. What...
I REFER to the letter from Mr S. J. Court (CM, January 19) about the journal's annual historic vehicle road test, in this case...
I WAS interested to note the mention you made of the new regulations to come into force from February 1 1979 (CM, January 12)....
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BRITISH road tankers have an enviable safety record of only one leakage every five million miles, and most of these are...
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rian Chalmers-Hunt explains the new regulations in force from March 28 OPERATORS of road tankers carrying certain dangerous...
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by Graham Montgomeri( by Graham Montgomeri( IN AN EARLIER feature on turbocharging and charge-cooling I commented that I found...
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In bending over backwards to avoid political controversy, the Foster Committee on licensing has been inconsistent. Its...
Watching the pickets during the lorry drivers' strike. I fell to pondering the qualities required by those who perform this...
British industrialists who have to make patriotic and encouraging noises to foreign journalists deserve everyone's heartfelt...
I sincerely hope the Herts / Essex round of the Commercial Motor Lorry Driver of the Year Competition will not lapse this year....
Members of the Road Haulage Association can no longer complain that the Association gets no publicity. Instead, with their...
While phlegmatic Britons wen stoically suffering the slings an arrows of outrageous tom drivers, a minor riot broke out ir...
Jack Ashwell, commercial roac transport national secretary ot the Transport and Genera Workers' Union, should be awarded the...
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Economic benefits for the operator. Obviously, it is more efficient to manufacture trucks on a large scale than in small...
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MANY TANKER manufacturers are finding orders difficult to get, and so are unable to keep their factories fully employed. So...
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needs for moving blacktop. Sites worked by Cannon vehicles include the Farringdon and Cambridge by-passes and the new British...
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VOLVO'S mighty F12 was clearly designed for the long-haul, Middle East type of operation, and if our road test of the vehicle...
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NOTHING annoys women militants more than slighting references to their sex by men who have no idea that they are causing...
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1AW MATERIALS for the ritish Oxygen Company's roducts are cheap, plentiful nd constantly available: it is he output,...