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F ROM. time to time, col. Arthur Jerrett, MJ.Inst.T., president of the Traders' Road Transport Association and vice-president...
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C HARITY begins at home, and economy in road transport begins on the road. Headquarters administration and unremunerative...
Flat-engined Buses in Brazil B RAZIL is importing large numbers of British flat engined passenger vehicles for city and...
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That a good jib crane seldom jibs. That a tyre has two masters—the driver and the road. That the " double-dipper" is still...
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A DEPUTATION from the Public Transport Association, the Municipal Passenger : Transport Association and the Passenger Vehicle...
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n ESPITE the increase of 74d. a gallon in fuel tax, the Road Haulage Executive is not to raise its rates for the time being....
THE things that the Road Haulage I Association had expected to happen quickly after the change of Government had not occurred...
I N a report issued last week by the Home Office, Sir Laurence Dunne finds that the accident at a garage in Bristol, last...
D ESP1TE objections lodged by Northern Roadways, Ltd., two State-owned companies, Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., and the Western...
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]kfiEMBERS of the. Liverpool Cart 'Viand Motor Owners' Association have been advised to increase charges listed in the cartage...
A hundred Austin taxis have been put into service in Madrid. • Purchase tax on the new Bedford 10-12-cwt. van is now stated to...
MK. D. E. Gamstr has been appointed a director of Hindle Smart and Co., Ltd. MR. J. MANN. C.B.E., J.P., representing Scottish...
T HE finance and general purposes committee of the Transport and General Workers' Union last week passed a resolution...
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A BOLITION of the 25-mile limit, rns purchase tax on goods-vehicle chassis and the 20 m.p.h. speed limit on heavy lorries is...
F OR some months, the Manufacfacturers' Transport Group (West Middx Area), the membership of which comprises about 20...
VOR operation on long routes, such as that from 1 Hull to Newcastle, via York, East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., has...
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D RIVEN by rising costs to review the entire basis of fares, many general managers are seeking additional revenue by...
A MEMORANDUM forwarded to PA all Members of Parliament by the British Road Federation cites the effects of fuel taxation upon...
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London : New Depots Needed P OST-WAR influences on _goods traffic in the Metropolitan area were described, last week, to...
IF •he thinks it desirable in order to I arrange a suitable and convenient programme of work, a Licehsing Authority may grant a...
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T HE most fruitful source of investigation into the problem of increasing the efficiency of vehicles is the economics of engine...
George Rushton, manager of the Nottingham pardels group of the Road Haulage Executive, for causing a vehicle to be used in a...
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P ROTOTYPE estate-car, utility, ambulance and pick-up conversion bodies on the new Bedford C.A. 10-cwt. chassis were displayed...
T HE annual dinner of the Traders Road Transport Association, last week, at which Col. A. Jerrett took the chair, was marked by...
WHEN an estate vehicle is being used TT as a private car, it is not subject to a 30 m.p.h. speed limit. This ruling was given...
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TWO technical papers of great topical interest were read during the annual conference of the Public Transport Association,...
P.S.V. Operation G REATEST use should be made of seating space, either to carry a certain number of people in superior comfort...
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I NTRODUCING his paper on "The Heating and Ventilating of Public Service Vehicles," Mr. Edge said that his group of technicians...
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T HE prototype of a new Matbro 1-ton fork-lift truck, due to be introduced publicly at the Mechanical HandlingExhibition at...
T O facilitate the transfer of goods between railway • trucks and road vehicles, Lansing Bagnall, Ltd., Basingstoke, has...
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addition, three pairs of Smiths 8-kW units were installedla the front, centre and rear of the body on the near and off sides to...
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Italy Builds for High Speeds T HE export of private cars from Italy is reported to be about 85 per cent. of the total...
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nN September 1, 1949, 1 commenced keeping a tyre ‘-'register for all tyres issued to our vehicles ex stock, and no doubt there...
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to fetch and carry managed to get along very well with his • faithful Dobbin, who wore blinkers and harness to remind him that...
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B ECAUSE its many brewery customers work to strict production schedules, Manbre and Garton,. Ltd., Winslow Road, London, W.6,...
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of the wide expanse of the body sides of a Dodge Luton van has been used to the full by its operator, Riviera Confectionery...
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Heavier Military Equipment Would Mean that Tonnages to be Handled in Another War Would be WM per cent. Greater than in 1939-45...
Major tractor power unit has recently been added to the Chaseside range of equipment. It is the first time that the maker has...
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F ROM Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., S. Edge and H. Jeffery, all of Titanic Works, Lincoln, come, in patent No. 664,530, details...