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T HE past year has given evidence of anew determina tion by British commercialvehicle manufacturers to capture the world's...
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S 0 far as licensing and appellate bodies in road transport are concerned, there is certainly no need for the extension of the...
Internal Spraying of Petrol Tankers T HE table under the heading "Tank Loads and Materials," published in the Bulk Traffic...
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That everyone interested in transport (and who isn't?) does care if it snows. A reader calling attention to the fact that snow...
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A N application for an increase inwages of employees of municipal bus undertakings and the payment of time-and-aquarter,...
BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT P RINCIPLES of a general transport policy in relation to the European common market were agreed in...
H EAVV-DUTY 6 x 4 9-10-cu.-yd. dumpers are being built by Atkinson Vehicles, Ltd., for South African Railways. They are powered...
R EPRESENTATIONS were made to the national executive committee of the Road Haulage Association on Wednesday about the...
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nPERATORS' associations' ate MIT 1 .-of advised of the information that the Licensing Authorities will require when special A...
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MR. R. W. Eutorr, M.P., has become Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Joint Parliamentary Secretaries to the Ministry of...
N EARLY every time a Continental delivery is made by Continental Ferry Trailers, Ltd., a return load is carried, sags Mr. P. S....
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R ESTRICTIONS on waiting vehicles in the Metropolitan Police District will, from June 1, start at 8.30 a.m., instead of 11.30...
A POLICE notice of intended prosecu tion sent by registered post to a London Transport bus driver's address when he was on his...
" A T last it is' recognized that there is rTh. a transport ', as well as a ' traffic', probleM, and that. the price of...
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W HAT are the respective spheres of petrol and oil engines ? This will be the subject of a survey by Mr. L. J. Cotton,...
A T the annual meeting of Associated Road Transport Contractors, Ltd., in London last week, Mi. W. Storey (Ackworth Transport...
T HE Northern Deputy Licensing Authority deleted a furnitureremoval vehicle from the A licence of Mr. J. Taylor, 11 Duke...
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Transport, Lord Brabazon of Tara, emphasized on 'Monday the significance of that office now having a seat in the Cabinet in the...
" rIENERALLY speaking, the woollen 'Li industry has forgotten there is a railway. It uses road transport." This was stated by...
NiTEMBERS of the Road Haulage Assam ciation would probably be asked soon to support ,a publicity campaign' in favour of...
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THE question of rates was raised at Bridlington, last week, when the objectors to an application by Coastal Transport, Ltd.,...
THERE was little evidence in the 1958 " 1 Budget proposals that the Government were as enlightened on the need for preparing...
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E MPLOYING a Thames Trader 6D van with Walker insulated bodywork, Wolsey Bros. (Wholesale), Ltd., Smithfield. Market, London,...
by the appellant, the Transport Tribunal in Edinburgh last week directed that an application made by Mr. A. M. Bryce, Juniper...
T HE time may come when the authorities wi ll require all meat to be carried in refrigerated vehicles, but we don't think we...
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I N an area where trees grow at the rate of 10 ft. a year in a summer temperature of 110° F. and 100 - per - cent. humidity, a...
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- 1— k A SEMI-TRAILER tanker With York Airpoise air-sus pension running gear was demonstrated to leading road transport...
QUPPUED through Moise Carasso and Sons, Ltd., Daimler distributors in Israel, 10 Freeline buses have gone into service with...
PA A PORTABLE skid-resistance tester and a device for automatically weighing vehicles in motion are two of a number of pieces...
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P UBUC evidence to support variations of excursion licences to add tours to provide more variety had never been required in the...
A PASSENGER riding in a vehicle 1 -1 commits •an offence if he opens his door and obstructs someone on the footpath. This is...
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Road Tests Analysed E VER - INCREASING competition in various export markets is having an undoubted effect on the production...
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Q the 27 vehicles tested on the road during the past "--/12 months, maintenance tasks were - conducted on as many of them as...
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Why Service Stations on Motorways? WE of the Glasgow Transport Club would like to draw " your attention to what we consider to...
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M ANUFACTURERS may well feel that hauliers have an insatiable appetite for ever-larger carrying capacity. Now that the maximum...
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S 1NGLE-DECK trolleybuses, the first batch of an order for 33, are now on the way to New Zealand, where they will be operated...
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Using British Mobile Shops, the Swiss Migros Organization has Greatly Reduced the Cost of Foodstuffs in Turkey T HREE years...
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In Chancery 0 WNERSHIP of the road haulage industry, Sir Brian Robertson, chairman of the British Transport Commission, has...
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British Equipment is Being Increasingly Demanded by Developing Overseas Municipalities : Wide Range of Proven Designs Offered...
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in AFRICA United Transport Group Goods and Passenger Services Assist the Development of a Continent p ERHAPS nowhere in the...
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B Y 1970, six Continental countries will be trading with no tariffs placed on the entry of each other's goods. They include...
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A Study of Power to Weight Ratios of Oil engined Vehicles Reveals Little : Gearing is the Significant Performance Factor By a...
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Says P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. p ORT charges form a high proportion of the expense of operating any type of sea-going...