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had little effect on goods-transport licensing. The Licensing Authorities have adopted a cautious policy. There is no evidence...
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O NCE again the Licensing Authorities, in their annual reports, have complained of the standard of maintenance of goods...
Standardizing Uniforms A SUGGESTION that should commend itself to bus operators is contained in the current issue of the...
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Of a customer who thought that a " garage creeper" was the man who attended to his requirements. Re dangerous loads, that...
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rA A MOTION demanding that the denationalized industries be renationalized by the next Labour Government without compensation...
Mr. Quick Smith Criticizes 1953 Act: Little Hope of Road-Rail Agreement TRADERS are to buy transport units from the British...
T HE new Olympian chassisless 44 seat bus built by Weymann's, Ltd Addlestone (The Commercial Motor September 18), was formally...
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A LEYLAND COMET 90 goods I - 1 chassis with full-forward control and a five-speed gearbox will be introduced at the Scottish...
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MR. HENRY Nimmo has been elected president of the Engineers' Guild, and MR. W. LINN, chairman. M. S. FINK LE, deputy general...
P OINTING out that railway fare! were fixed by an independent tri. burial, Mr. J. L. R. Croft submitted al the hearing of an...
T HE East Midland Licensing Authority has rejected a proposal of Nottingham Corporation to abolish cheap early-morning return...
Fr HE * average weekly wage employees of motor and cyc manufacturers was £10 10s., accordir to a Ministry of Labour survey...
THE National Employers' Associ tion of Vehicle Builders ha . rejected employees' suggestions systems of payment by results. T1...
T HE title of Nudd Bros. and Locky , Ltd., a subsidiary of Duple Mot Bodies, Ltd., has been changed to Dui Motor Bodies...
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T HE presidential address to the Institute of Transport will be delivered by Mr. John Elliot, the newly appointed chairman of...
" I SAY these services are not adequate / because they are sub-standard. I ask for a standard service and not a perfect one;...
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"A NY operator who seeks to enter a new field, and who is aware of the considerations to which the Minister attaches...
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'XCEPTIONAL difficulties were A experienced last year by Duple otor Bodies, Ltd., Mr. Herbert R. hite, chairman, told the...
OLLOWING the demonstration of the Midland " Red " S.14 bus on esday, Mr. D. M. Sinclair, general .nager, stated that the weight...
A FTER the defending solicitor had ttsubmitted that the alleged offences took place in areas beyond the jurisdiction of the...
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A LLEGATIONS that rail travel from .1 - 1 Glasgow to Manchester and Birmingham was too expensive were made at a hearing of the...
IT was in the national interest t. encourage the public to use the rail ways and thereby reduce road conges tion, said Mr. C....
i% CLAIM that Red and White Serri 'vices, Ltd., had been "milked dry 7 of cash was made at the resumed hearing in Cardiff on...
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'HERE was need for a national flat rate system for road haula g e, said r. McNair, of Messrs. Macdoned, of illin g ton,...
THE Road Research Laboratory was 1 developin g a warnin g device to be fixed to lorries towin g trailers, said Col. A. R....
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Hungary, East Germany, Poland, China and Czechoslovakia Exhibit at Leipzig Fair : Products include Buses, Lorries and Fork...
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LTHOUGH primarily designed for use in the erection and overhaul aircraft, the mobile staging units Je by Aero Controls, Ltd.,...
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M.P.T.A. Conference Delegates Discuss Social Obligations of Transport Operators : Joint Training Schools for Inspectors and...
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ew Midland "Red" 44-seat Single, ck Bus Weighs Under 5 tons and 'corporates Many Novelties, Including ubber Springing All...
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SCAMMELL 10-ton semi-trailer, drawn by a Bedford tractor, forms basis of a 1,600-cu.-ft. light-alloy a body which haszrecently...
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—and the Road Haulage Association . have Let Them Do It says John Wisdome I T is probably a safe bet that not more than one...
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MOBILE canteen based on an Austin 2-ton long-wheelbase chassis was recently supplied to British Railways by Spurling Motor...
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First Principles By JANU O LD Mother Hubbard found a disciple the other day in Mr. Arthur Deakin, general secretary of the...
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License all Clearing Houses One Who is not without knowledge of such matters, applaud, with reserve, the measures proposed for...
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Dodge 5-tonner with Meadows Oil Engine Performs Well on Building Haulage Despite Overload. 17.8 m.p.g. Averaged on Day's Work...
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I T has taken only three years to transform what was once useless marshland on the north bank of the River Thames in Essex into...
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P.S.V. Field• Legal Provisions-Covering the Operatior, of Buses and Coaches are Explained in This Article, Written for the...
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DATENT No. 695,737 comes from the General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Michigan; U.S.A., and discloses a design for a...