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has entrenched itself in the markets of the world and intends to stay there. Increasing competition from foreign manufacturers...
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T HE ultimate disappearance of the clutch appears to be a foregone conclusion, although it is taking a long time to die. Over...
Motor Vehicles and Smog THE control of air pollution was the subject of the I James Clayton paper read last Friday before the...
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That the integrity of British manufacturers counts much in the export markets. _ That Lt.-Col. M. W. Batchelor, J.P.,...
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of transport units offered in central Scotland, the Road Haulage Disposal Board, headed by Sir Malcolm Trustram Eve, QC.,...
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IN their reply to the Minister of I Transport's memorandum on contract carria g es, the Municipal Passen g er Transport...
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P RODUCTION and export figures for March are particularly encouraging. They show a substantial increase over those for the...
MOTW1THSTAN DING the recent 1 Press notices issued by the British Transport Commission and the Disposal Board, which said that...
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I N calling for only .1 candlepower per foot-candle for reflectors, the Ministry of Transport has proposed a value that is...
TH E abolition of the Road Fund has been suggested by the House of Commons Select Committee on Estimates. They consider it...
'typ-iEN Mr. C. G. Littlewood, a VY Sheffield coach operator who, in January, was granted permission to operate an express...
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A N appeal by Avon Coaches, Ltd., against the grant of a licence to Wilts and Dorset Motor Services, Ltd., for a service...
A PROTOTYPE articulated tractor is being developed by the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., for British Road Services....
C.A.V.. Ltd., London, W.3, have published a booklet describing their apprenticetraining scheme. An economic survey of El...
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T HE increase in lung cancer in recent years coincided with the changeover of public transport from petrol to oil engines, Dr....
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A NOTHER phase in the battle I -1 between Victoria Coaches (Leighon-Sea), Ltd., and the State-owned Westcliff-on-Sea Motor...
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T "pilot soheme of the Scottish Milk Marketing Board in the Kirkcudbright area under which bulk tankers collect milk from dairy...
T HE view that transmission brakes should be made legal for public service vehicles has been expressed by the Public Transport...
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41-seat central-entrance coach body weighing 2 tons 6+ cwt. and priced at 12,115 has been introduced for A.E.C. Reliance...
International Motor Show at Turin, which closes on Sunday, include chassis with underfloor and rear-mounted engines, one...
Whitebasen Corporation are to buy a van from Messrs. Stout's Garage. Newcastle upon Tyne City Council are to buy three...
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S OME of the larger transport units are now finding buyers. The Tyseley depot of British Road Services, including 33 vehicles,...
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H OW two-way radio can reduce dead mileage and speed up deliveries has been demonstrated by Whitbread and Co., Ltd., at...
T HE possibility of the Singapore Traction Co., Ltd., being taken over next year by an independent transport authority forms...
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T HERE have been many changes in vehicle component design and oil engines have been put into lighter classes of chassis since...
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By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. I N the days when municipal undertakings were converting their tram systems for bus operation,...
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entrances from the left to the righthand side of a bus, although alterations from right to left-hand drive are not undertaken....
A WASHING machine which can be wheeled into position and used at any point where there is a suitable supply of electricity and...
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T HE export drive has meant to British manufacturers of accessories and components a reorientation of their ideas on design and...
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)epreciation A READER has written to me to say that he is glad I do not recommend the use of the ton-mile. 1 gathered that one...
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WE read a great deal in your line journal about the " denationalization of long-distance road haulage, but what is going to...
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"I was thinking," Alice said very politely, " which is the best way out of this wood; it's getting so dark. Would you tell me,...
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cylindered Oil Engine CA A NEW direct-injection oil engine for use in the MorrisCommercial 3-ton range is announced by the...
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W HEN planning a 500-mile one-day test for the Leyland Royal Tiger chassis I listed the passes and steep gradients in the Welsh...
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branch with the object of protecting rail, by keeping parallel road services within defined thrifts. Where practicable, they...
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0 UT of a total of 311m. passengers carried on Montevideo's motorbuses last year, approximately 235m. travelled in British...
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the peculiarities of British conditions —not that it is to be understood that all vehicles suitable for use in this country are...
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,,B RITISH IS BEST" is a tag which is as true today as ever it was, and it could not be applied with greater truth than to...
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DENEFITS to be derived from depot centralization far outweighed the few disadvantages, said Mr. F. L. Stirrup, Salford director...