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'VESTERDAY'S announcement (page 5) that there has been no I apparent abatement in black smoke emission is disturbing. It is...
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a means of bringing home to ffending operators and drivers their risibility for ensuring that their es do not emit • excessive...
have speeded up rossing formalities at the most - tant border post, Behovia. and a border-control service is now being ted. e...
DR1TISH ROAD SERVICES' new controlling body, the B.R.S. Federation, whose formation was announced in The Commercial Motor of...
(II-MEM-IONS to the proposed . night pay and subsistence allowance increases set out in R.11175) were considered at a special...
and Decisions reminds operators that applications for short-term licences and/or variations of existing licences to permit the...
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EW type of T1R body mounted a 23-ton Teamster EP23 semiand known as the Delta has been iy York Trailer Co. Ltd. to the of Fa....
Metropolitan ghs have undertaken, so far as is able, to arrange that their streetig and refuse-collecting services are l out...
lidland Road Link: Work will start on the construction of a three-mile of new road linking the Worcesterminster-Wolverhampton...
T HE recent addition of more than 350 small direct-sales vans to the fleet of T. Wall and Sons Ltd. represents the largest new...
to I . enter the hire-purchase field with a new company, Ford Motor Credit Co., which will finance the sale of Ford cars....
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From a Special Correspondent SERVATIONS about the proposed ,.E.C. forked rates system amounting it to active opposition have...
O N Wednesday a new and patented method of emptying malt was demonstrated at Charrington's brewery. London, E.1. It consists of...
Links with Europe' D R. BEECHING. chairman of British Railways, Mr. H. W. Elliott, member of the E.R.S. council and managing...
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for on Transport. He joined the cornin February, 1956, as an assistant engineer and now takes the place r. T. C. Ball, who...
w E regret to record the deaths of Mr. G. E. Brown, Mr. A. Cave. Mr. G. Herworth, Mr. G. Moir. Mr. Karl Probst and Mr. T. L....
[THOUGH his vehicles and plant did a great deal of site work, there was ncreasing demand for tippers to carry ds on the roads,...
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application to transfer two lorries 'rom Contract A to A licence was xl by the South Eastern deputy sing Authority, Mr. A. C....
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T WO decisions given by the Transport Tribunal in Edinburgh in July have been challenged in the...
A FTER a four-day hearing at Leeds, the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners last week rejected the main points of a four-part...
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I N a decision issued last Friday, the chairman of the North Western Traffic Commissioners, Maj.-Gen. A. F. J. Elmslic, said...
A N application by Leeds City Transport Department for approval to raise its bus fares was granted on Monday-an application...
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'THE first major step towards easing I the effect of the Dr. Beeching rail closures in the Glasgow area was made last week by...
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A N important feature of the Series III Commer Cob light van, announced today by the Rootes Group, is its complete absence of...
T O meet the requirements of Mayne Nickless organization Australia, special modifications 11 been incorporated in Atkinson Om...
facilities available for operators Leyland, Albion and Scammell vehit in 49 towns and cities in Britain has j been issued by...
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0 new vehicles introduced by the iotor department of Shell Mex and Ltd. are virtually mobile service ns. They are to be used at...
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QINCE the percentage reduction in night 0, - , accidents in Birmingham during the dipped-headlights campaign last winter was...
Following the Road Research Laboratory report, the Birmingham Dipped Headlights Working Committee issued a Statement in which...
L ORD NUFFIELD, who died last week Le at the age of 85, was a great industrialist who played a leading part in building up, and...
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T HERE can be many reasons why anyone may wish to purchase a " secondhand " vehicle. The main reason, of course, is usually...
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tew tends to say a lot about the importance of the driver an"ambassador of goodwill ". An experience I Tuesday proves it....
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Beer is distributed to many thousands of licensed premises in the Birmingham area by the MitchelIs and Butlers Ltd. fleet....
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. P. Wilding, A.M.I.MECH.E. D URING the past 10 years there has been a steady increase in the numbers of diesel-engined...
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Unlimited Liability \/ YOUR readers will by now be well aware that under 'OUR Marples' new laws the proprietor of a non-limited...
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V HATFVER the ultimate verdict on his ideas and activities, Dr. Beeching can at least be assured that he has made a permanent...
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ROAD TEST: Seddon Pennine 3 36-seat single-decker bus A LTHOUGH big buses are often attractive as a means of spreading...
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1 - 3. A NEW central depot to serve the entire municipal undertaking of Luton, Bedfordshire, was opened yesterday by Mr. W. M....
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k RETAILER is considering the alternatives of hiring a van for his deliveries or operating his own and asks for the relevant...