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N EW YEAR resolutions conjuring up vistas of change for the better just around the corner are fine—in theory. In practice...
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BY JOHN DARKER A FREIGHT sundries division is to be established by British Railways to be responsible for the operation of the...
H AY'S WHARF haulage interests in the South-West have been merged into one organization, Hay's Wharf Haulage (SW) Ltd. It...
CERTAIN transport undertakings acquired by the Transport Holding Company remained in competition with British Road Services,...
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Scept i c ism about regional studies STUDIES that are too superficial and unlikely to contribute usefully to the formulation...
IF overhead wires have to be removed to allow a load to pass beneath them, the haulier is likely to have to pay all or part of...
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From a special correspondent THE special ECE Customs working parts is reviewing the possibility of recommending national...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE more liberal approach of the Ministry of Transport to the issuing of short-term licences to...
ic y Warehousing and Transport Co. Ltd., the UK and international road haulage specialists, have moved to a new, modern depot...
IN the interests of increased productivity, the RHA is raising with the National Ports Council the need for improving...
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fast out \J EST the rate of motorway construction. Three main areas of congestion emphasize the urgent need for the "missing...
board of British Road Ferry Services Ltd., and Anglo Continental Container Services (London) Ltd. Mr. Benison was formerly...
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From our Parliamentary Correspondent T HE Road Safety Bill, which tightens the law against drunken drivers and dangerous...
EXTENSION of the classified road programme in London includes schemes submitted by London borough councils and the City of...
been prepared dealing with the conveyance by road of more than 200 dangerous inflammable liquids with a flashpoint below 73...
THE Prime Minister last week turned down a suggestion that he should call a conference at No. 10 to discuss open liner train...
THE GOVERNMENT has been requested in the Lords to give a more exact date than "early next year" for publication of the first...
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S PEAKING at the annual general meeting of East Midland Motor Services Ltd. last week, chairman Mr. R. J. Ellery reported that...
ALMOST 100.000 elderly people in Glasgow will be able to use their concession permits for evening travel on corporation...
14 EW timetables for London Transport's country bus and Green Line coach services come into operation on December 31. Due to a...
THE BUS FUEL Grants Bill, allowing operators to recover the extra tax they have been paying since July, received Royal Assent...
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By Ashley Taylor A COMPANY dinner with a difference was due to be held in mid-Lancashire last night. The function celebrated...
MORE money was being spent on transport by people in Somerset, but it was not being spent on buses and trains, the Somerset...
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A LTHOUGH London Transport has only built one example of its new rearengined Routemaster double-decker (described in COMMERCIAL...
pAsT YORKSHIRE MOTOR SERVICES LTD. chairman Mr. John Spencer Wills last week reported pre-tax profit slightly higher than the...
corporation bus fares (except for the 4d. minimum) by between Id. and 3d. and it may also ask the Government to contribute...
A FIRM offer of a pay rise for 100,000 provincial bus company workers will be made by February 1 if the unions co-operate in a...
FEATURED at the 37th International Congress of Public Transport in Barcelona from May 7 to 13 will be papers on traffic...
A TWO-YEAR, £160,000 study of land and transport use in the Greater Edinburgh area starts next month. And in East Kilbride...
of 40 one-man buses with double-width entrance doors designed to facilitate automatic fare collection by ticket - issuing...
ALTHOUGH the driver and co-driver of a 4 coach that crashed down an M6 embankment in July, killing one woman and injuring...
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BELFAST city bus fares will not go up at the beginning of 1967, as recommended by the Corporation's special fares and stages...
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1GIVIDENCE that Frank Ward, the former Dunfermline haulage contractor 1. 1 .1 whose business was acquired by Walker Bros....
T HE Minister of Transport is considering a plea from Cornwall to extend concessionary fares for elderly people to...
CANAR Y and Spanish Transport Ltd. had two CANARY A licences involving four vehicles, arid two take-over applications, also...
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NOW being operated by Blackpool butchers T. R. Rainford Ltd. is a Leyland 90 with hydraulic loading for its alloy body, which...
A RANGE of skeletal semi-trailers offering ' maximum versatility in handling ISO and other containers has been announced by...
THE FIRST of the six Road Construction Units to be set up by the Ministry of Transport is to cover North-Western England. It...
BLACKPOOL corporation takes delivery early in the New Year of a Lacre suction roadsweeper collector fitted with dual controls...
ASSOCIATED British Maltsters Ltd. has re' vealed that at the beginning of December it acquired a half interest in the Murfitt...
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day is near when "out of sight will no longerbe out of mind" and with MoT examiners digging ever deeper it pays to take a...
T HIS week's prizewinner is Mr. J. Wilson, of Workington, Cumberland. He states that the problems of handling the weight of a...
B ULK haulage of liquids by road tankers in South Africa has grown in the last six years into a big industry with an annual...
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A TWO-CAR trailer added to the Tollbridge range is intended for use behind a car transporter prime mover and can be used also...
T HE Waterloo fire alarm which has just been introduced by Read and Campbell is a self-contained unit for wall mounting and...
A WAYS campaigning for a better system of signposting in Britain, the RAC has issued a booklet, Know your new British traffic...
TATEST addition to the range of Wick ham washing plant is the Tempest, an electrically powered paraffin-fired highpressure hot...
TOW first cost, and low maintenance cost 1 •J with a 1966 specification are features of two new forklift trucks from Matbro....
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H AVE you, like me, an Oxfam Christmas card on mantelpiece or sideboard depicting a very colourful version of the lion lying...
C JMBERLAND haulier Reg Monkhouse, of Park Head, Brampton, Carlisle, has adopted an idea he noticed among members of a big...
T O those who know how strongly British operators have influenced the Canadian trucking industry despite its obvious ties with...
T HE scandal of unlicensed fly-tippers—drawn firmly to Stephen Swingler's attention at a recent TRTA lunch—cries out for...
I F, on passing Abbotsinch Airport, Glasgow, you think you have seen a double-deck bus belting up and down the runways, doubt...
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W HETHER you think the Americans have been fortunate or deprived in doing without a Minister of Transport for so long may...
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at Newmillerdam, the headquarters of R. Hanson and Son Ltd., there seems little reason for anyone to worry about the matter....
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By Jim Best H AVING spent a third of my lifetime behind the wheel of a heavy goods lorry, I raised no objections when my wife...
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THERE are 27 container shipping services available from Ulster to Great Britain, using many more than 27 ships, large and...
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O VERHEAD costs are often looked upon as unproductive but unavoidable expenditure. But, as I stressed in this series last week,...
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empty, fitted with a trailing rear axle and an air transfer device, with the trailing axle raised so that the wheels are just...
A It will be necessary for you to apply for a licence in the normal way. You intend to carry goods for hire or reward and you...
some time ago and obtained the necessary carrier's licences through the normal procedure I now find they will expire shortly....
A Clayton Dewandre Co. Ltd., P.O. Box No. 9, Titanic Works. Lincoln. Higgs Electrical Engineers, 15/17 Kent Road, Glasgow C3....
and I still consider the application warranted a grant. l have been told that I can appeal against the decision. How do I...
A Three such books are published for Temple Press Books by George Newnes Ltd., Tower House, Southampton Street, London WC2....
ing gross vehicle weights, axle weights and the exhibiting of a plate limited to rigids of 15, 16, 20, and 22 tons gross and...
its transport department from the time of its first steam wagon and we want information and pictures of old vehicles. Where...
A This does not seem probable. A small training centre for operators of such . equipment is run by RoSPA and the need for...
A If there were any reduction in skidding or jack-knifing (the two are linked) when radial cord tyres were fitted, this could...
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O PERATING 12,000 vehicles in 40 companies and employing 50,000 people, the BET bus group has a major stake in Britain's...
T HE soundness and thoroughness of the reorganization measures carried through by the directors of Dennis Brothers are amply,...