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H AVE you, like me, an Oxfam Christmas card on mantelpiece or sideboard depicting a very colourful version of the lion lying down with the lamb? This is "Peace and Goodwill" and......
Sign Of The Times
C JMBERLAND haulier Reg Monkhouse, of Park Head, Brampton, Carlisle, has adopted an idea he noticed among members of a big trucking concern when he was in America. He has a......
T O those who know how strongly British operators have influenced the Canadian trucking industry despite its obvious ties with the USA, it will come as no surprise to learn that......
£30,000 Fines
T HE scandal of unlicensed fly-tippers—drawn firmly to Stephen Swingler's attention at a recent TRTA lunch—cries out for attention, but Britain is not alone in facing......
Fasten Your Seat Belts!
I F, on passing Abbotsinch Airport, Glasgow, you think you have seen a double-deck bus belting up and down the runways, doubt not your sanity. Technicians have been testing a......