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IE ALARM being voiced by operators on the fear that planning controls may be ached to operators' licences through the back...
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THE DRAFT Regulations I operators' licensing inclui some other detailed amen ments to the operation of t system. The Freight...
THE DEPRESSED demand for municipal vehicles has dealt a say blow to Shelvoke and Drewry, which has declared nearly half o...
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3REATER LONDON lorry ban uld have national effects, and uld not just affect transport distribution in the capital, ight...
BRITISH RAIL is to finance a study into the feasibility of turning some stretches of rail tracks into roads to ease traffic...
THE IMPENDING changes to operator licensing were discussed on Tuesday, when John Clement, chief executive and chairman of...
JOHN WEINTHAL of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders correctly points out that he was not at the start of CM's...
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HAULIERS' rates should have risen months just to keep in line with Road Haulage Association. But its c is still a buyers'...
AN AUTOMATIC toll collecti system will be introduced at t Wallasey-Liverpool Mersey Tt nel at the beginning of Augu with the...
ITALY and Britain have agreed to an immediate increase in road haulage permits between the two countries and to a relaxation in...
SCOTTISH SECRETARY George Younger has ordered the auditors of Caledonian MacBrayne, the Scottish Transport Group shipping...
A CONSERVATIVE Central Office research officer has been made special advisor to Transport Secretary Tom King. Katherine Ramsay,...
DEVON County Council has made proposals to carry advert ments on some of its 800-strong fleet of vehicles that could brin...
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A NEW directory detailing most methods of distribution in the UK and 200 overseas countries is avai able. The 352-page...
IRELAND's Post Office has taken on the private sector express courier operators by starting a next-day service from major Irish...
vehicle policies fleet and non-fleet goo vehicles, agricultural and spec type vehicles. Policy features include limited...
HUNTER Industries has int duced a distribution division add to its existing farm, fa and produce divisions. The new division...
SEALINK is reminding operat and freight managers that rt tank vehicles, portable tank tainers and intermediate b containers...
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THREE CHANGES have been made to rules governing British crews driving through some non-EEC countries in Europe. The changes...
THE SECOND Distribution Services Show scheduled for October is to be substantially larger than the last event in 1981....
THE Road Haulage Association's Heavy Haulage Group is to have an informal meeting with the Department of Transport in August to...
EMPTY RUNNING reduces road damage, according to a report published by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory. It undertook...
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MANAGEMENT has been selected for Bees Transport (Southern), a Lex Specialist Transport subsidiary which has taken over Carrolls...
MICHAEL WIGMORE becomes finance director of Western BRS. He was previously head of finance with Western BRS. Mr Wigmore joined...
THE CONSERVATIVE Transport Minister who resisted lorry weights increases in the Seventies and a former Labour junior Minister...
LAWRENCE STROVER, a form transport manager in tt haulage industry, has be promoted from deputy to L freight manager of...
MARK THOMAS is to be manager of the National Bus Compan , Cheltenham and Gloucester company. He joined the industry in 19 from...
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CARTWRIGHT and Son achbuilders) of Altrincham produced glass-carrying icles for Everseal Windows 3uncorn and Wright and Ofid of...
SUZUKI GB (Cars) of Crawley, West Sussex, has introduced two new models from the ST90 range to the UK. The ST9OK dropside...
BRI-STOR Systems of Nixon, Stafford, has developed a sliding-rack system which enables the user to see at a glance and reach...
BRIMEC (UK) of Bristol has appointed Nevilles Hydraulic Services Ltd as its London area service and spares agent. Nevilles,...
MROSE THIRD Axle of Blackburn, Lancashire, has converted 15 ni-trailers to tri-axle 38-tonne configuration as part of a...
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THE CITY of Stuttgart has introduced a Mercedes-Benz 2632-based fire brigade vehicle which is fitted with MeiIler...
A survey carried out by company showed that only to four per cent of lorries in UK and nine per cent in Eur regularly carry a...
(Scotland) of Hamilton to a 6x2 by adding a trailing axle. This axle is well known on rigids, but York says it is the first to...
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given a better chance against ider the new transport ariements to cover London, eators will be able to apply to Traffic...
AFTER THREE unsuccessful applications, Lunar Module of Luton has won the right to operate a high-frequency minibus service in...
COMPETITION between the Scottish Bus Group's Highland Omnibuses, and Eastern Scottish subsidiaries and independents Newtons...
RO-CAMMELL Weymann is to launch its high-floor integral ion of its Metroliner coach and has appointed Stuart Johnson of field...
LONDON TRANSPORT is to conduct intensive in-service trials with 12 experimental "off-the-peg" double-deckers as part of its...
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CLEARER POLICY objectives for toring of operators' efficiency — Consumer Council report. The report, Ways and means ... a...
says Ministel THE GOVERNMENTS 1 flair, South Yorkshire PTE, come in for some praise f Transport Under Secre Lynda Chalker. She...
REVENUE SUPPORT to West Midlands PTE would increase from 20 to nearly 25 per cent if its three-year plan receives Transport...
ROUTE subsidies have been given a chance by Transport Secretary Tom King. He has endorsed his inspector's recommendation that...
LIVERPOOL Education Committee has told head teachers in infant and junior schools they must use Merseyside PTE coaches for...
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'LAND is launching a range lerodynamic equipment ch, it is claimed, can reduce consumption by as much as oer cent. itially...
THE LEYLAND T45 — from concept to production — will be the subject of a lecture to be given by Norman Gold, Leyland trucks...
SCORPIO INTERNATIONAL has taken delivery of 15 Freightmaster frameless vans built at York Trailer's Northallerton plant. The...
SALES of Peugeot and Talbot diesel cars in the first half of 1983 are up by 81 per cent over the corresponding period last...
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ILE the industry's public resIse to the Wood Report on effects of bans on heavy lorin London is hostile and mbiguous, is it...
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LLOWING my award from the een in her Birthday Honours I re been inundated with letters congratulation from the far rth of...
UST TAKE issue with Ralph )pper (CMJuly 2) and his acial pleading for the poor, appreciated heavy goods erator — though he does...
I MUST SET the record straight regarding the forthcoming Bedford 12-metre coach chassis (CMJuly 2). This all-new chassis will...
HAVING read several of your articles proposing the use of advanced electronics in place of the more usual tachographs, it is...
IT IS with regret that I note the many problems that have been experienced by operators of goods vehicles since the...
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ver have so many Drators owed so Ich to so few :cialist equipment nufacturers in the iiness of decreasing alage costs. A CM ,...
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Textbooks tell you a swop body is classified as part of the load when vehicle dimensions are assessed. David Wilcox...
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Bodywork rectification frequently calls for customer liaison, Graham Montgornerie learns on a visit to Rainham • HEER HEIGHT...
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Although operators may automatically associate timber with pallets, it does not have to be this way. David Wilcox summarises...
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Millier appraises Dorch9ster's nces against the ablished opposition. conclusion? In many o rs it is more active Y MANUFACTURER...
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;IR GORDON BORRIE, , ctor-General of Fair Trading, warning the public against 3nare of interest charges on . owed money, the...
EDDIE PLASKETT, directorleral of the Road Haulage tociation, was at a advantage when pitted against Derek Wood, QC, chairman of...
TO BECOME a Ford registered technician of the year demands dedication beyond the call of duty as well as exceptional ability....
THE CIVIL SERVICE categorises industry as senile, strategic or sunrise, according to George Turnbull, president of the SIV1MT....
EVERY NOW and then authority evinces a spark of humanity. Tayside Regional Council transport department has done so by issuing...
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Bedford and its fellow GM subsidiary, Detroit Diesel Allison, are aiming to overcome UK operators' resistance to twostroke...
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0 SPECIAL OFFERS are liable on tachograph chart ilysis. ne is the Foster domcheck service. This .rs a basic analysis of...
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Sideguards supporting flush fitting outer panels could improve aerodynamics and boost mpg, says H. W. F. Davidson, AIRTE,...