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Be Clear On Subs
CLEARER POLICY objectives for toring of operators' efficiency — Consumer Council report. The report, Ways and means ... a consumer view of local transport policy, also advocates......
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says Ministel THE GOVERNMENTS 1 flair, South Yorkshire PTE, come in for some praise f Transport Under Secre Lynda Chalker. She likes split-level entrances to I disabled......
Revenue Clash Is Ahead
REVENUE SUPPORT to West Midlands PTE would increase from 20 to nearly 25 per cent if its three-year plan receives Transport Secretary Tom King's approval. West Midlands' 1984-87......
Pilot Route
ROUTE subsidies have been given a chance by Transport Secretary Tom King. He has endorsed his inspector's recommendation that a pilot route subsidy scheme be tried after......
Class Decision
LIVERPOOL Education Committee has told head teachers in infant and junior schools they must use Merseyside PTE coaches for school trips even if private buses are cheaper. The......