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I T always takes an outsider to see us as we really are—and then the results often tend to be pretty unpalatable. In America...
TT is easy to understand why the monthly commentary, "Licensing 1 Casebook by N. H. Tilsley, is one ofthe most popular regular...
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1961; paid in Duty. to Customs and Excise, £250 m., total capital required to run the business in that year, some £180 That is...
A N enterprising Southend, Essex, estate agent is also the 13.. managing director of a household removals company and it...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT B USINEN'S wages are back in the melting pot, following the rejection of the London...
From our Political Correspondent T HEprivate goods transport industry in England and Wales will probably have to find...
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Total Number of Vehicles Ordered Increased to 1,806 A TOTAL of 406 Leyland 0.600 diesel r`v engines have been ordered by...
A PIONEER in the economics of road rA transport, Mr. Christopher Tatham Brunner, died at Hull on Sunday at the age of 59. Less...
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Mr. M. Darbyshire, district road motor engineer, British Railways, London Midland Region, has retired. Mr. J. H. Farrow has...
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From Our Industrial Correspondent A STRONG protest against proposals in the Transport Bill which might lead to higher interest...
• THE Metropolitan Deputy Licensing I Authority not only ignored letters produced in support of an application, but he also....
WHEN a Cockermouth contractor, Mr. VI' H. W. Irving, applied for a variation of a contract A licence the case was adjourned by...
CROM £150.000 in 1959 the Thames Valley Traction Co.'s profit before tax had dropped drastically to £111,583 in 1961, the South...
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A DIRECTOR of C. R. Alty (Bulk r - k Transport), Ltd., and C. R. Alty, Ltd„ of Southport, Mr. T. R. Alty, was called on, at...
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" A S far as I know the vehicle is mechanically sound."This is an expression commonly used in transactions involving the sale...
services finking toWns with the . coast is being sought by a number of Yorkshire bus operators, They include Samuel Ledgard...
IN an attempt to expand their limited I express service facilities between Huddersfield and Llandudno, Hansons BuseS, Ltd.,...
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Power-to-weight Legislation Suggested A FIRST interim report has been issued by the Vehicle Exhaust Study Group set up in...
WHERE ._ cities have ring roads VI' involving extra, mileage, authorities should erect signs indicating the hours when time is...
NfiR. RUPERT SPEIR this week pre VI his Diesel Fumes Abatement Bill--a short, eight-clause measure which will have its second...
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Q PERATORS from a large area of south-east England attended demonstrations by the Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., at Brands Hatch,...
From our Political Correspondent A LTHOUGH the Socialists put their main effort into a nationalization move which was...
i ■ "GOODS VEHICLE YEARBOOK" .1 - 1 , has been issued by the Modern Transport Publishing Co., Ltd., 3/16 Woburn Place, London,...
T HE United Nations' . Economic Commission for Europe has pro posed more " unified " traffic-law measures, including these: All...
I N a paper by Mr. S. F. Barber, Product Controller (Diesel), of GAY., Ltd., at the company's northern areas agents' conference...
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nECLAR1NG that there had not been an increase in the haulage business in . 1 -- 1 the North-east, Mr. E. G. Milne, area manager...
of pettifogging objec tion which does British Railways no good at all," said Mr. T. D. Corpe at Bristol on Thursday when making...
T HE annual report of the London and Home Counties Division of Traders' Road Transport Association states that "a wonderful job...
M ORE than £152 in tines for licence offences was imposed at Matlock last week on a father and son. Cyril Housley, of Yew Tree...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT THE railways should not be impeded and handicapped by a common carrier obligation when...
1-1 A PROTEST at the " scores of new amendments to the Transport Bill tabled by Mr. Marples and Conservative M.P.s was made in...
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S INGULARLY little comment has been forthcoming about the speed limit increases that are now almost certain to come into...
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I AM writing in full support of the most sensible letter I written by Mr. Stockdale (The Commercial Motor, March 16) because I...
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has an eye to THE FUTURE A MONG the more serious bus enthusiasts, such as members of the Omnibus Society and the P.S.V....
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Survey of American own-account transport reveals how elementary faults contribute to remarkably inefficient operation. From...
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A PILOT scheme with the object of assessing costs and potentialities of paper sack refuse collection is being operated by the...
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A NEW type of reinforced-plastics NEW for the transport and storage in bulk of liquids or semi-liquids has recently been...
added to the comprehensive range of hand tools made by Guys (Handtools), Ltd., 13-17 East Dulwich Road, London, S.E.22....
(Motor Engineers), Ltd., Goldsmith Avenue, Portsmouth, which permits various grades of oil or paraffin to be delivered from a...
Common Road, Stafford, specially for fixing flooring materials. Known as Evo-Stick Adhesive 873, it is a synthetic....
produced by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., 10-12 King Street, London, S.W.1. This gives information on the construction, fling,...
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p ERSONAL preference applied to bodywork covers a multitude of requirements, and it is pertinent that well over 50 per cent, of...
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An additional feature to be included in this series is a quarterly summary of recent Government publications concerning road...
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A RUBBER unit that replaces the con ventional shackle in a suspension system is shown in patent No. 882,954. The unit is free...
To MINIMIZE the heat reaching the valve springs is , the object of an arrangement shown in patent No. 882,050. Air is...
F OR HEAVY-DUTY springs it been proposed to use the slight compressibility possessed by liquids, but the chief disadvantage of...
j , k CONTROLLED system for lubri1— k eating the camshaft and other parts of a fuel-injection pump with leakage fuel is shown...