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Plastics Containers
A NEW type of reinforced-plastics NEW for the transport and storage in bulk of liquids or semi-liquids has recently been developed by Reinforced Plastic Structures, Ltd., Lewes,......
Ratchet Screwdriver A Ratchet Screwdriver Has Been
added to the comprehensive range of hand tools made by Guys (Handtools), Ltd., 13-17 East Dulwich Road, London, S.E.22. Overall length of the tool. is 9 in. It is fitted with a......
Mixed Deliveries A System Has Been Developed By Ft...
(Motor Engineers), Ltd., Goldsmith Avenue, Portsmouth, which permits various grades of oil or paraffin to be delivered from a tanker through a single pump, meter and hose reel,......
Flooring Adhesive A N Adhesive Has Been Developed By...
Common Road, Stafford, specially for fixing flooring materials. Known as Evo-Stick Adhesive 873, it is a synthetic. rubber-resin emulsion - adhesive and is claimed to give a......
Collapsible Containers A Booklet On Collapsible Conpa...
produced by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., 10-12 King Street, London, S.W.1. This gives information on the construction, fling, load reaction, maintenance and other details of the......