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Fifteenth Report of the Seed Committee on National Expenditure, Session 1941-42, dealing With passenger-transport facilities,...
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if ILK hauliers do not appear to be particularly IVIenamoured of the Ministry of Food's arrangements for the rationalization of...
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Is This Tyre the WHAT must be one of the Largest Pneumatic " largest types of pneumatic Employed ? tyre in the world is used on...
" Good-bye to the bulb horn." That, this autumn, London buses are to have spring hooters. That very little in the way of...
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FURTHER COMB-OUT OF MAN POWER R OAD transport figures among the many industries affected by the new comb-out of men for the...
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A N important census of laid-up vehicles, including tyres, is to take place immediately. This is for the purpose of finding out...
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T HE view that a tremendous econoniy in both fuel and rubber, in addition to man-power, would result from Ministry of War...
Supplied by the Ministry of War Transport and the Hauliers' National Traffic Pool, to keep the Industry informed of...
Ma. A. J. Bovo, managing director of Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., has been appointed Director-General of...
A COMMON-SENSE plan to eliminPI ate absenteeism and unpunctuality in Scottish transport services has been put forward by the...
Production assist obtaining a reduction in the consumption of paper, he has appointed a Paper Economy ,Committee, which will...
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No. 4.—Overloading One of the Primary Causes of Failure and Waste Forms the Subject Matter of this Instalment of a Series Which...
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WHAT TO DO WHEN REPLACEMENTS ARE DELAYED Q.—Some six weeks ago we deposited with s our Authorized Tyre Depot an order for two...
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Growing Interest Amongst Hauliers in Co-operation Achieved by the Formation of Localized Groups of Operators. How such Groups...
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ecords Quiz Solving the Problems of the Carrier I N this series of articles I am describing a conversation with a junior...
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AANY are the war-time instances in alwhich farmers, by reason of the circumstances of the times, have been forced to extend...
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UERIES QUANTITY v. QUALITY IN RELATION TO TYRES A s I am most anxious that my series of articles on " How Tyre Mileage is...
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A TYRE which can be run in a deflated condition without risk ot ruin is the subject of patent No. 546,986 from the United...