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T O-MORROW marks the commencement of a New Year. ' What that will mean for the world, and for Britain in .particular, no one...
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Congratuiations by ikyTE often receive, with due Telegram on Forcevv modesty, appreciations . of el" Editorial . . our leading...
That the " leadpoisoners " should be brought to trial. That our patience and our valves are becoming exhausted. Of a serious...
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DEMAND FOR LOWER VEHICLE TAXATION T HE Commercial Vehicle Committee of the S..M.M.T. is supporting the Car Section Committee...
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T HE Scottish Furniture Manufactvers' Association, in a communication to the Furniture Trade Post-war Reconstruction Committee...
R5,000, which the Motor Agents' Association contributed to the Motor Industry's Propaganda Campaign for 1944, Sir Miles Thomas,...
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By G. S. Reikie, Manager. Service Department, David Brown Tractors Ltd. S TARTING troubles caused by wintry weather conditions...
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Many are Claiming that Their Costs of Operation Exceed the Rates for Hire and Will Result in Insolvency By A. G. S. A S a...
A N example of the stage which has been reached in arc-welding tech. nique is featured in an accompanying illustration. A erack...
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An Example of Rates Which Seems to Confirm That Those For Short-hauls MUst be Stabilized Locally, and Not Nationally S COME...
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Our Contributor Contends That Ther Vehicle Should Not Be as Economic Examination of a Chassis, he says. ( as to Its Ability...
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T HE research work of the R.11 SubCommittee of the Welding Research Council, 2, Buckingham Palace Gardens, leondon, S.W.1, has...
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Roman Chariots Ran Upon Road "Rails," Queen Elizabeth Saw "Rayle-ways" for Coal, Now Motorways are the Objective By...
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North London Company Builds up Post-war Goodwill by Maintaining Service Facilities Under Diffiadt Conditions W HEN the size of...
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Guy 3-Tonner Forms Basis of a Twin-ram Woodenbodied Tipper for Municipal Requirements A THREE-WAY-TIPPING vehicle, which is at...
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THE RETURNING HAULIER MUST BE ACCOMMODATED Y OUR leading article in your issue dated December 10, re a Southend operator being...
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A. Résumé of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published A DESIGN for an oil filter, which combines the...