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training boards cannot now seem - urn up much enthusiasm for the future for these organisations. The continuing tion of...
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THE LAST-MINUTE decisior hold the Armitage debate week caught both major ti associations by surprise, but Freight Transport...
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IE NEEDS of the user are of prime importance according to Undercretary for the Environment Lord Bellsin who spelled out the...
THE GOVERNMENT does no know how many operator whose vehicles should hay tachographs have still to fi them, Transport Minister...
THE LAST bastion of trades union opposition to the tachograph was removed last week when the Transport and General Workers'...
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A TYNESIDE operator who has been using the same site as an operating base for 30 years has been allowed to carry on, despite...
A MARKET research project into tipper design sponsored by the Road Haulage Association and due for publication at the 1981...
BLUE CIRCLE Industries' planned freight terminal at . Dartford is expected to be operational by mid-1982, with warehousing and...
ALTHOUGH the number of tests carried out at heavy goods vehicle testing stations has been rising, there was a drop in profits...
question the words of the sixth 1 count Sidmouth, but wasn't his Lords slightly wrong when he recalled that in last century the...
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EMPLOYERS should encourage local councils, and they should authorities, Local Government a Tom King said last week. Speaking...
A DECISION as to which Channel Tunnel scheme should go ahead is expected by the end of the year, according to Junior Transport...
opening TRANSPORT Training (Norl Ltd's new craft training a with 3,600sq ft of works space, was officially opened week by...
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iiVER who was transferred from one company to another along la contract has been awarded a redundancy payment based on ieryice...
APER production methods being sought for future es of Transport Statistics, ?t Britain, which has risen £7 to £18.50, said...
TNT has extended its parcels delivery operation to Ireland with the formation of a new company, Irish Parcels Express. A 48 to...
A DRASTIC cutback in plans to expand West Germany's autobahn system has been ordered in Bonn as part of the country's policy of...
ALL GRADES of lorry examiners are expected to be under strength in April, as was the case at the same time last year. Traffic...
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WITHOUT stage four of the Barnstaple urban relief road, the present year-round heavy traffic would continue to harm the older...
WORK of the Midlands Road Development Group and its allies during the past seven years is "at last bearing fruit" according to...
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:EST FOODS of Spalding has ted ten new stretched Leyland astiffs with Nyloy 150 shutter )ors from Dover Roller lutters Ltd....
ICHORPAC LTD, manufacturof waste compaction and aniary handling systems, has )n two foreign contracts sinst strong European...
SHELL, which has one of the largest tanker fleets in the UK, has announced an order for a further 45 Rolls-Royce-powered...
A MERCEDES-Benz Unimog fitted with a Palfinger PK6400 loader ' has been bought by Squire W. Swift Ltd of Selby for use on the...
DODGE TRUCKS have an nounced a number of changes in the optional equipment available on several modefs. The 50-Series range,...
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A NEW lightweight demountable body system for commercial vehicles up to 7.38 tons gvw has been introduced by Adcliffe...
AN AIR deflection system, consisting of cab-top deflectors and air dams situated below the front bumper of a vehicle, has been...
SAVINGS of up to 55 per ce tyre puncture costs have claimed by Bedfordshire Cc Council after fitting Mo tyre protectors to its...
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,SGOW District Council is to oppose another round of service cuts planned by the thclyde Passenger TransExecutive. ) save...
MARKETING Public Transport is the theme of this year's symposium organised by the Division of Transport Engineering at...
A SUBSIDY of £400,000 is to be provided by Grampian Regional Council towards the operation of Alexander (Northern) bus services...
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A CO-ORDINATED timetable was impossible when operators need differing fares, and County Councils whose duty it used to...
AFTER revoking all 18 r licences held by Stoke-on-Tr operator W. Stonier & Sons I (CM, September 27, 1980) 1 new licences have...
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.ISON's Plant Ltd, of Pockgton, Yorkshire has cluded an agreement with lraulics Unlimited Manufacng Co., the American tipping r...
THE FIRST Foden chassis to be produced by the Sandbach Engineering Company is scheduled to roll off the production line next...
THE consolidated 1980 turnover of the Renault Group (including Renault Vehicules lndustriels) will be more than 80,000m Francs...
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Northern Ireland Carriers Ltd following Mr Cameron's retirement. Mr McLaughlin has business interests in Northern Ireland and...
by Douglas Ainley WHERE employers wish to dismiss employees on grounds of health, and absence is lengthy owing to acute...
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THE GREEN PAPER provides no answers — it asks questions about industrial relations and the role of the law, and analyses the...
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ENJOYED the correspondence 1 heavy lorries in The Daily le graph which Mike Kneen, of e Road Haulage Association, id Charles...
ITH so much generosity used by the authorities and keteers (who are apparently metimes one and the same) in ly, dare one hope...
THE International Year of the Disabled 1981 Fund has benefited from collections raised by hardy brass bands playing carols on...
COMPARED with the rigours of New York's run-down roads, aerial combat is, as the RAF used to say, a piece of cake. Grumman,...
"INTERIOR stillness" is not a characteristic solely of convents and Marylebone station. It is, I am assured, to be found also...
LEN MATTHEWS, who retired as managing director of Heavy Transport (EEC) Ltd towards the end of last year, was up in town again...
TIPPER operators have for years been accusing manufacturers of not building the vehicles they need. Representatives of Leyland...
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IA REGULAR reader I find CM th interesting and very ingnative, but as an hgv driver I sh you would do an article out overnight...
MR REV'S would seem to have started the New Year badly if his letter in Commercial Motor (January 3) is anything to go by. I...
I REFER to Concrete on Six Legs (CM, January 10, p17). For your information, we are the largest concrete pump operator in the...
I HAVE cancelled my order for Commercial Motor. The reason for this was your editorial (January 10, 1981). I earnestly hope...
I WISH to point out a couple of errors in the fleet list as shown for Northern General (CM, December 6, 1980). I noticed that...
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WN IN Devon one bodyIder at least has his workforce -king regular overtime to aplete his customers' orders 3chedule. iverton...
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Alan Millar talks to RHA in Devon and Cornwall about this 'forgotten' area and finds an air of very cautious optimism despite...
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Noel Millier believes that Western National's local ties, experience, and reputation for reliability should help it to hold off...
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One definition of 'tuck' is a blast on a trumpet, and while not many of us can blow our own these days, Exeter-based Frank...
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ALL OPERATORS need to hold a Certificate of Professional Competence — or have at least one of their staff pass the CPC...