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statisticians. First, Mr. Ernest Marples surveyed his five-year-long stint at the Ministry, referring in passing to investment...
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THE Minister of Transport has announced that the ban on heavy commercial vehicles usin g many City of London streets as a...
Operators' leaders agree to take I trong line FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT 'THE goods transport industry must put its...
and dama g e amounted to £504,367 last year, Mr. Marples told the Commons this week. He added that the Transport Holdin g Co.,...
i Bristol have been set up by British Road Services (Contracts) Ltd. The South Wales branch, with 198 vehicles and 25 trailers,...
L-1. A FIVE-YEAR road pro g ramme involvin g more than £l,000 m. was announced on Monday by the Minister of Transport. He g...
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A NEW national trailer service head quarters for the York Trailer Co. Ltd: is scheduled to begin operations towards the end of...
A FRENCH-MADE, British-developed rA system for automatic chassis lubrication claimed to be " economical and completely...
stronger police powers to deal with drivers who leave heavy vehicles in residential areas at night. The suggestion that such...
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Overtime claim 1-1 . A S foreshadowed last week, the transport unions have lodged a claim with the Road Haulage Wages Coundil...
A NEW range of alloy frameless vans to be exhibited at the Commercial Motor Show has been announced by Crane Fruehauf Trailers...
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NAR. THOMAS GALBRAITH, ParliaM mentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, had a rough passage in the Commons this week...
A THREE-MONTH trial of additional and improved bus services in Lincolnshire is to be started—with the Government and Lindsey...
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Coventry T HE transport committee of the City of Coventry has recommended acceptance of the tender by Transport Vehicles...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A THREE-POINT claim is to be lodged at once on behalf of 170,000 provincial busmen to follow...
Pr E Minister of Transport has disnissed an appeal by Trimdon Motor Services Ltd. against the decision of the Northern Traffic...
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who was awarded a knighthood in the 1964 Birthday Honours. and received the accolade at Buckingham Palace last week, wishes to...
B RITISH ROAD SERVICES have announced the following appointments in B.R.S. Ltd.. B.R.S. Contracts Ltd. and Furness and Parker...
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contain information relating to the inclusion of two flats, as distinct from tankers, Mr. J. R. C. SamuelGibbon, the Western...
A N application by John Brindley Ltd.. of Hinckley, Leics, for six additional vehicles on A licence to carry road materials and...
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The House ol Fraser Judgment Reviewed BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY WILL TRIBUNAL NO tEHEAR APPLICATIONS? W HETHER or not Licens:ng...
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THIS year's Commercial Motor Show I (or, to give its correct title. The 22nd International Commercial Motor Transport...
F OLLOWING the announcement (The Commercial Motor, July 3, page 45) of B.M.C. approval for Unipower 6 x 2 and 6 x 4 conversions...
rt A NEW heavy-duty automatic lubrication system for vehicles has been announced by Telehoist Ltd. Known as Telelube HD, it is...
the formation of a new company called B.M.C. Export Sales Ltd. Its purpose is to integrate the functions of the Austin Motor...
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hardly claim that the present links between central London and London Airport are adequate, and consequently a lot ii heard...
for larger-capacity semi-trailers and the consequent introduction of efficient quantity production methods, Scarnmell Lorries...
a result of improved manufacturing techniques Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd. have been able to standardize production of their...
Order, 1%4, came into operation. Copies of the Order, S.I. 1964, No. 1806. are obtainable from H.M. Stationery Office, price...
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FIRST SNORKEL FOR RUSSIA: Simon Engineering Dudley Ltd. has received an order from the U.S.S.R. Trade Delegation in London for...
The Dropped Semi-trailer WHEREVER there is intensified artic V , operation, there is almost certainly a somewhat involved...
THIS week's prizewinner is Mr. C. 1 Martin, of Almesford, Colchester, Essex. He says he is sure that there must be other...
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By John Matthews LONG-ESTABLISHED MUNICIPAL SERVICE KEPT GOING ED Post Offiee vans recently stopped rushing about delivering...
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Range of Wing Mirrors A NEW range of wing mirrors, designed specifically for cars but suitable also for use on small vans of...
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THE FRENCH HAVE A WORD FOR IT - ,, KANGOUROU" By NORMAN H. TILSLEY R OAD-RAIL freight systems are already widely in use in...
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EYE By The Hawk VIEW Perkins Presentation A presentation was made at a recent party in Peterborough to Mr. L. W. J. Hancock,...
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cellent Brakes ROAD TEST: Scammell Scarab 3 4-ton articulated outfit By R. D. CATER A L THOUGH the Scammell Scarab-Four was...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I. MECH. E. ERE all-in men here. The driver who's decora ting the office next door returned from...
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is unlikely to be accepted' p OSTAL delays caused by the recent dispute over pay do not seem to have affected the output of...
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ADVICE ON TRANSPORT PROBLEMS by S. BUCKLEY, ASSOC. INST. T. A SCOTTISH reader understands that advice has recently been given...
A London operator states that he has unsuccessfully requested information from several Ministries as to the statutory need for...
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Atkins° rries Pay More 'THERE is good news for the shareholders of .I. ATKINSON LORRIES (HOLDINGS) LTD. For the year ending...
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Not on View R EGARDING the article on page 46 of your July 24 issue, headed "Museum in Danger ", in the top righthand corner...
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Cove Developments Ltd. Cap. £100. Objects: To carry 'on the business of motor garages and motor coach stations. etc. Subs.: S....