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If the new Minister of. Transport wishes to address himself to a real live problem facing the transport industry he will lend a...
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Three-year wait for road-rail reconciliation from our industrial correspondent • Cautious optimism about the prospects of an...
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by Derek Moses • Although the National Bus Company is spending an extra £5m for its 1971 rolling stock replacement programme,...
• Mr Robert Carr, Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity, has approved proposals submitted by the Road Transport...
• Because it is thought that the building of M4 and MS will have far-reaching effects on traffic conditions in the South-West,...
• Cummins Engine Corporation Inc (USA) has announced that the company intends to have prototype turbines in operation by...
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RHA seeks urgent action from Government and industry • Urgent changes are being sought by the Road Haulage Association in the...
• The Transport Minister proposes to make two sets of regulations relating to the road transport of radioactive substances and...
• The Minister of Transport after announcing his decision not to implement the quantity licensing provisions of the 1968...
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• On July 15 in the Commons the Transport Minister gave an undertaking that regulations would be made to allow drivers engaged...
• Pay increases of up to 15 1 Os a week on basic rates are being sought by Scottish lorry drivers, The claim has been made to...
• Operating a fleet of 33 vehicles, John Jempson and Son Ltd, Rye, Sussex, specializes in the delivery of cattle and poultry...
• A getting-to-know-you meeting to place on Wednesday between the Minister Transport, Mr John Peyton, and the FT president, Mr...
• Hull and District Road Transpc Federation, meeting on Tuesday, reveal' that most Hull hauliers are to raise tht rates on...
• A new airfreight consolidation termir controlled by G. A. Woodcock Freight L has come into operation in Sheffield. First its...
• The Transport Minister, told MPs tit he has no present intention of introducir tachographs. He noted that it would co £.30m...
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• An industrial relations committee has been set up by the Freight Transport Association. The committee's main function will...
• A record total of 1808 vehicles was produced by ERF Ltd in the year 1969-70, an increase of' 27+ per cent over the previous...
• A recent Turkish government decree removes previous restrictions on the transfer of currency for international road transport...
transport ow Low e and freight handling Mafi expands in UK • One of Europe's leading manufacturers of container handling and...
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• Leasing of trailers as an alternative to outright purchase has now been arranged by Merriworth (Engineering) Ltd. Rich= Road,...
• In addition to its pool trailer and container fleet which already includes 95 12m TIR trailers, Mann and Son (London) Ltd is...
• Registration of imported commerek goods vehicles was one-third higher in Jun this year than in June 1969. This follows th...
Brian Shepherd, who resigned from British Leyland in April after 23 years with the group (latterly he was marketing director of...
We record with regret the deaths of Ronak Geoffrey Crowther. Walter Hemphrey, Let James and Irene Kearsley. Crowther, MBE, 71,...
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Request for fares increase refused • The West Midland PTA has turned down a request from its Executive to endorse higher...
• The biggest increased fares application ever sought by Maidstone and District Motor Services Ltd was rejected by the South...
• Mr John Golding (Labour, Newcastle under Lyme) last week called in the Commons for Traffic Commissioners to bt replaced "by a...
• The Transport Salaried Staff Association is very unhappy with the new Minister of Transport's stated attitude to subsidies...
• The Transport Minister was last week asked to consider increasing the subsidies paid to bus operators, so as to reduce the...
• Edinburgh Corporation provided a special service to the British Commonwealth Games over the period of the event, using...
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tetter steering and power tandbrake for 'R. series Many new and improved featres for 71 Ford R Series bus and coach chassis ye...
• Sixteen conductresses employed by Thomas Bros (Port Talbot) Ltd are being trained as bus drivers. The women, aged from the...
• SELNEC PTE has been under heavy criticism from members of Salford City Council this week, but denies that services have been...
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LA examines proposed take-over • Although the application by Paynes Transport for an 0 licence—to which the RHA and British...
• Ralph Hilton Transport Services Ltd was on • Tuesday at Newcastle-upon-Tyne granted its application to take over the A and B...
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I An application to add one rigid and six irtic car transporters to the licences held by Lathams Transporters Ltd, of Preston,...
• At a public inquiry in Manchester last week the North Western deputy LA, Mr A. H. Jolliffe, granted an 0-licence application...
• "I shall draw the attention of the applicant to the undesirability of simply failing to turn up," said Mr C. M. Sheridan,...
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• The first application by a haulier in the East Midland Traffic area to carry goods for Leicestershire Hauliers Ltd, of...
• A decision on application by London Country Bus Services Ltd and the London Transport Executive to increase bus and coach...
• A 24-year-old driver appeared before magistrates at Blyth. Northumberland, on Tuesday, charged with altering his heavy goods...
• Although no representative of the company attended a public inquiry in Manchester on Tuesday, Red House Garage Co Ltd. of...
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y Ron Cater A batch of 26 examples from the onthly returns submitted by operators to ie Transport Association's "shortage of...
• Continental work is expanding, says the annual report of Coast Lines Ltd, while throughout the group's road transport sector...
• The Standing Advisory Committee on Dangerous Substances has made sufficient progress with its work on regulations about the...
• Vehicles dating back to 1907 will be seen in the second Trans-Pennine Run from Manchester to Harrogate on Sunday August 9....
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• A 6-ton gvw gooseneck trailer with electrically operated brakes was demonstrated last week by the maker, Guttridge Traders...
• Cummins Diesel Sales and Service Lt■ is introducing an extension to the servic available to operators through "Cummin ReCon",...
• A Mammoth Major 6-V8 6 x 4 tractive unit for 56 tons gcw will be one of the AEC exhibits at the Commercial Motor Show in...
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British Leyland is to discontinue the MC title on vehicles manufactured at its .athgate and Adderley Park plants. Instead, le...
• A two-section taildoor that folds back to the body sides during the tipping operation is a feature of a 29 cu yd calibrated...
• Shareholders in Atkinson Lorries (Holdings) Ltd. last week received a detailed document setting out the reasons why their...
A new 50,000kg-capacity weighbridge 'totalled by the British Transport Docks board at the Eastern Docks, Southampton, at cost...
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Frank White • To make a success in business is one thing; to make a success in retirement is an entirely different and more...
I see that John Darker highlights the especial driver shortage in Fenland (CM July 24). Is anyone there besides BRSL doing any...
We were interested to read the inquiry (CM June 5) to the Q and A Bureau from a firm of haulage contractors concerning the use...
I hope that my experience may be of some interest and encouragement to any of your younger readers who are about to sit the hgv...
While the photograph of a removals vehicle page 20 of your July 17 issue shows the nt CETI livery, it does not reveal the unust...
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y Handyman 6enchvvise: Lathe sense (24) HE main problem for the lathe machinist not the actual turning, boring or facing...
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ONE of the most important milestones in the bus operating industry was passed in July 1966 when, following pressure from many...
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Fairly but simply • In previous weeks examples have been given of the expenditure which an operator can incur is overhead...
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y the Hawk Noises off small bird tells me that we shall probably seeing a new range of automotive diesel gines at Earls Court...
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by Ashley Taylor, AMIRTE, AssocInstT Freightliners given total monitorini ORGANIZING a pool of available vehicles so that...
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by John Vann, FCII The unexpected risk • Road Traffic Act third party cover is a that the user of a vehicle on the road has t...
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THE VALIDITY of a statement by Mr G. Longfoot, of Wellworthy Ltd, regarding the potential merit of using a piston crown of...
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Not a free market by Janus I NITIAL reactions to the Government's decision to end carriers' licensing as soon as possible have...
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matters by John Darker. AMBIM Some problems of removers NTERESTING themes were discussed at he 1970 Douglas conferences of...
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"Ferries and Continental Operation" is the title of the special number of Commercial Motor to be published next week, August 7....
by Les Oldridge AIRTE, AMIMI Documentation THE tremendous amount of paperwork with which the fleet operator has to contend...
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obtain a heavy goods vehicle driving ence on the basis of experience, without ;king the test? I am returning to Britain fter...
than the past 12 months and my dinary driving licence expired on March 19 ?70. I applied for my hgv licence on the ?cessary...
position of a driver who drives a commercial vehicle during the day for a period exceeding the 4/sr. minimum and who works a...
ratio" is sometimes used in papers of the learned societies dealing with the design of petrol engines. Is it not also...
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THE Commercial Motor Educational Guide (CM July 10) to courses in road transport at local authority colleges and universities...