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Nbc Rolling Stock Budget Up By Om
by Derek Moses • Although the National Bus Company is spending an extra £5m for its 1971 rolling stock replacement programme, announced today, the 50 per cent increase over the......
Government Approval For Training Levy
• Mr Robert Carr, Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity, has approved proposals submitted by the Road Transport Industry Training Board for a levy on employers......
Traffic Survey For The South-west
• Because it is thought that the building of M4 and MS will have far-reaching effects on traffic conditions in the South-West, the MoT has decided to undertake a further study......
Turbine Prototypes From Cummins
• Cummins Engine Corporation Inc (USA) has announced that the company intends to have prototype turbines in operation by mid-1972. Cummins' president, Henry B. Schacht, said......