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0 NE of the most vicious attacks yet made on t he roadhaulage industry has just been launched by the railways. During an appeal...
A PARTICULARLY interesting ruling concern/A ing the insurance of commercial vehicles was given last Monday by Mr. Justice...
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Smart Premises DeTHE publicity value of the note Efficiency in I good appearance of a works Workmanship . . . or depot is often...
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Of Fodens flattering the "Queen Mary." That hospital patients are lulled by. the hum of buses, but the noise of trams and...
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National Board Will Not Argue T HE National Joint Conciliation Board has, in effect, declined to argue with Yorkshire A and...
T HE main alterations embodied in the Goods Vehicles (Licences and Prohibitions). Regulations, 1936, to come into force on May...
A LETTER sent by Capt. Austin Hudson, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, to Sir Eugene Ramsden, M.P....
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The complete returns now available for 1935 show that there was a slight revival, last year, in the overseas demand for...
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An agreement under whicn C licence vehicle was to be sold to an Alicensee ' was mentioned in the appeal of the * L.N.E. and...
T HAT the Appeal Tribunal proposes, in future, to pay less regard to statements made in letters submitted in support of licence...
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Fines and costs totalling £113 5s. were imposed at Scunthorpe police court last week, as a result of secret checks on lorries...
I i a King's Bench Divisional Court composed of Lord Hewart and Justices du Parcq and Goddard, last week, the question was...
T HE Fisher Renwick concern does not abstract :traffic. from the railways. The growth of its road traffic is accounted for by...
toast, " Trade and Transport," at the annual dinner of the Devonport Mercantile Association last Monday, the Minister of...
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Al the annual luncheon of the Lou, don branch of the Industrial Transport Association, held on Wednesday, Sir Cyril Hurcomb,...
• Margate Eire Brigade is buying a Leyland fire-engine and a fire tender. Tottenham Corporation is buying two Dennis...
WE illustrate on this page a new VY and attractive van that has recently been commissioned for service by Postans, Morley...
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Two-stroke Engine A DESIGN of engine, from which there seems good reason to expect a remarkable performance, has been evolved...
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B.R.F. Action on Objection Issue VESTERDAY (Thursday) the 1 operators'. committee of the British Road Federation met to...
A MOVEMENT for establishing a rates stabilization committee was announced by Mr. Anthony Todd, senior vice-chairman of A.R.O.,...
O WNERSIIIP of ports by private transport systems should be abolished, said Mr. Ian Macaulay, M.A., at the annual dinner of...
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Rates and Wages Position D EFERENCE to the Part played by 1 " - The Commercial Motor in forming the organization from which...
MITE, sixth annual meeting of the 1 Ballast, Sand and Allied Trades Association was held on March 25. The chairman, Mr. A, J,...
Comparing types of • vehicle for urban traffic, Mr. Horace Woolley, manager of Birmingham Co-operative Society's traffic...
L AST Saturday, Mr. Henderson, Southern Scotland Licensing Authority, 'was the chief speaker and guest of .honour at the annual...
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A GREEMENT on wages has been reached, says a statement issued by those concerned, between the C.NI.U.A., Manchester Area,...
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Will thev Last ? • are, no doubt, feeling :pleased with themselves, but naturally their satisfaction is being carefully con...
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L AUNDRY proprietors should realize, in the beginning, that the costs of operating motor vehicles are likely to be above the...
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I T is a striking commentary on the advanced design of the delivery vans operated by Collars, Ltd., that in the film, "The...
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• DS up LAUNDRY DELIVERIES ELL, Banks," said one laundry proprietor to an other, " I shall have to see about some new vans...
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W ITH the modern facilities that mechanical transport now brings within the reach of practically every household, it must be...
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Richmond Park Laundry Co., of Glasgow, Places Entire Satisfaction of the Customer Before Cost in Operating a Fleet of 50...
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Laundry Chassis VERY trade has its particular transport requirements, and the laundry business is no exception to the rule....
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WHILST equipped for the haulage of long indivisible VV loads_ the tractor-trailer outfit illustrated on this page can also be...
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T HEproblem of finding sufficient room for luggage in coaches and long-distance service buses has become acute, and, generally...
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Lytham St. Annes Corporations is unlikely to be finally approved for at least a year. It is stated that Blackpool Corporation...
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T HE advice given by Sir John Maxwell, 'chairman of the Northern Traffic Commissioners, to Newcastle Corporation to abandon the...
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A N important decision affecting the insurance of commercial vehicles was delivered, on Monday, by Mr. Justice MacKinnon in the...
By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent NO SPEED LIMIT INCREASE. R ECEIVING no encouragement from the Minister of...
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T HE scheme for building roads over the railways put forward by The Commercial Motor seven years ago— and recently brought a...
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I NVESTIGATIONS have established that the means most likely to be successful for rescuing the occupants from a burning...
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(4779]. I was much obliged to you for the space you gave to me in your issue of February 14, but from A.D.J.'s reply on page 84...
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TH licensing system has had the E effect of increasing the use of trailers behind private cars, commercial travellers being...
must be a huge number of workers employed in the motor-manufacturing industry, but perhaps they fail to appreciate that many...
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A FUEL-SUPPLY system haVing A R ésumé of Patent Specificaseveral novel features is disclosed by Continental Motors Corporation....