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You can help in this saving campaign by placing your order for "The Commercial Motor" in advance. W AR-TIME conditions neces...
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T HIS special issue of The Commercial Motor con tains a vast amount of information concerning the export and home markets in...
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I N my message to the readers of the Outlook and Export Number of your journal at the beginning of the past year s I referred...
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Road Transport Once no ECENT weather conditions, Again Proves Its l‘regarding which we may Superiority. . . . now speak without...
Hears— Of bus-fare anomalies that need looking into. That incursions into the export market call for excursions by experts....
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RETURN OF IMPRESSED VEHICLES CAUSING HARDSHIP C ONSIDERABLE hardship is being suffered by many small operators whose vehicles...
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R EVELATION that meetings are being held with Government Departments with a view to " adjust-• ing " petrol rationing was made...
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MR: CYRIL F. DENNIS, who recently joined the R.A.S.C. as a 2nd Lieutenant, has, we are glad to learn, been given his...
TT is now possible to give, in greater 'detail, particulars of the methods by which livestock and dead meat are being...
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T HE fourth annual exhibition of battery-electric vehicles will be held on February 20 and 21 at 230, Deansgate, Manchester,...
I N Yorkshire, where the Road Haulage Central Wages Board's scheme of wages and conditions was fought by the employers to the...
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I N spite of the grave obstacles imposed upon our overseas trade by the present crisis, some consolation may be drawn from the...
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B UILT in London for service in FinViand, 30 specially designed ambulances and auxiliary vehicles, including a mobile workshop,...
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to the WORLD MARKETS T HE British commercialmotor industry faced the year 1939 with a considerable confidence in the future...
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'TWELVE months ago, writing in the " Outlook and Export Number" of The Commercial Motor, I advocated a more aggressive policy...
no inducement to become embroiled in all the regulations and restrictions surrounding overseas business, and that even in...
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CANADA MUST HAVE GOOD SERVICE A S was stated in last year's corresponding Special Number, the Canadian market presents...
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at Horne and Abroad P ARTICULARLY glad am L to be able to take advantage of your offer to give a statement regarding sales...
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HILST it is, of necessity, difficult to forecast with any degree of certainty the future trend of the commercial vehicle...
are an indication of the extent to which the production of vehicles for sale to commercial users has been affected by the...
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THAT British manufacturers are I conversant with the requirements oi overseas operators, and appreciate se conditions with...
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B ny a long head, the most outstandDing technical development that has resulted from the war is the progress of producer gas....
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BETTER PLACED THAN WAS EXPECTED By G. Cozens, Director, Commser Cars, Ltd. D ESPITE heavy calls on our productive facilities...
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Gas and Steam Vehicles (Excise Duties) Bill was considered in Committee of the House of Commons last week when a series of...
By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent MANUFACTURERS' READY RESPONSE vehicles would certainly get the allowance they...
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AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION Second Edition Completely Revised and Enlarged Aircraft Identification—the handy pocket-size book,...