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T HIS special issue of The Commercial Motor con tains a vast amount of information concerning the export and home markets in...
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By The Rt. Hon. R. S. Hudson, I N my message to the readers of the Outlook and Export Number of your journal at the beginning...
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Road Transport Once no ECENT weather conditions, Again Proves Its l‘regarding which we may Superiority. . . . now speak without...
Hears— Of bus-fare anomalies that need looking into. That incursions into the export market call for excursions by experts....
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RETURN OF IMPRESSED VEHICLES CAUSING HARDSHIP C ONSIDERABLE hardship is being suffered by many small operators whose vehicles...
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R EVELATION that meetings are being held with Government Departments with a view to " adjust-• ing " petrol rationing was made...
£2 per acre for the ploughing up of seven-year grassland have been received for some 850,000 acres in England and Wales, and...
A FTER coniultation with the joint haulage committee, the Scottish Milk Marketing Board has determined the following scale of...
of cylinders suitable for gas, with capacities ranging from 10 to 40 cubic ft. There are about 50 of the larger size and 150 of...
time restrictions on road transport, over 300,000 tons of coal traffic have been transferred from road to rail in Yorkshire was...
S PEAKING at the annual general meeting of Leyland Motors, Ltd., Mr. J. H. Toulmin, J.P., chairman of the company, pointed out...
Great Hampton Street, Birmingham, 18, bas been appointed distributor for the BrushKoela gas producer for the counties of...
made by the C.M.U.A. and other bodies to the Minister of Transport, the latter, availablefrom $arch has now announced that Road...
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MR: CYRIL F. DENNIS, who recently joined the R.A.S.C. as a 2nd Lieutenant, has, we are glad to learn, been given his...
the motor industry for many years, has joined the maker of Dymlite products, Richfield Electrical Components, pending his call...
IT that committees of passenge:vehicle operators are being set up in the various Traffic Areas to discuss ways and means of...
are to pplement the large number already running in the-Far East. A contract recently received by the Associated Equipment Co.,...
TT is now possible to give, in greater 'detail, particulars of the methods by which livestock and dead meat are being...
Additional orders have been received from the Argentine. One, from the Automotres Chevallier, is for an 8.8litre oil-engined...
L AST week, the annual general meet1--Aing of the East Lancashire Road Transport Association and the Commercial Motor Users...
"THE policy of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., is largely governed by the material available for export and domestic sales after...
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T HE fourth annual exhibition of battery-electric vehicles will be held on February 20 and 21 at 230, Deansgate, Manchester,...
r - IN Wednesday, February 7, at a %-/meeting of the Institution of Engineering Inspection, an illustrated lantern lecture will...
N EARLY 100 people assembled on the occasion of the ninth annual dinner of the Manchester and District Traffic Association,...
O WING to the expiration of the %/lease, Pickford's, Ltd., has closed its haulage office at 122, Queen Street, Cardiff, and it...
J. licences will be discontinued, and new drivers will be required to obtain provisional licences, with a view to passing the...
criticized by Mr. Robert Taylor, general secretary of the Scottish Horse and Motormen's Association, in an address which he...
I N Yorkshire, where the Road Haulage Central Wages Board's scheme of wages and conditions was fought by the employers to the...
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I N spite of the grave obstacles imposed upon our overseas trade by the present crisis, some consolation may be drawn from the...
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Group of 30 Vehicles, Based on Thames Chassis, Built for Use Under Arctic Conditions in the Finnish War B UILT in London for...
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to the WORLD MARKETS An Explicit Summary of the British Overseas Trade in Commercial Vehicles, Indicating the Most Important...
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Intimate Knowledge of Market Possibilities, Requirements, Restrictions and Regulations More Imperative Than Ever By R. J....
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Valuable Survey of Overseas Markets From Information Supplied by the Department of Overseas Trade CANADA MUST HAVE GOOD...
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at Horne and Abroad By F. A. Perkins Chairman, F. Perkins, Ltd. • A Well-informed and Authoritative Resume of the Problems...
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* With reasonable Governmental assistance, sales problems' at home and abroad can be overcome. * Apart from economy and...
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By William E. Rootes, HILST it is, of necessity, difficult to forecast with any degree of certainty the future trend of the...
By Ewart Guy, Commercial Director, Guy Motors, Ltd. T HE statistics for new registrations are an indication of the extent to...
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THAT British manufacturers are I conversant with the requirements oi overseas operators, and appreciate se conditions with...
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A General Outline of the Functioning and Construction of Vehicle Plant With a Brief Consideration of the Influence of Gas on...
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Factors which must receive attention if production for the export and home trade is to be maintained Many interesting...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Road Transport Topics in -Parliament Gas and Steam Vehicles (Excise Duties) Bill...