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Aiming At Equality Of Sacrifice In Fuel
R EVELATION that meetings are being held with Government Departments with a view to " adjust-• ing " petrol rationing was made in Dundee by Mr. John W. Loudon, general secretary......
Over 1,000,000 Acres Newly Ploughed A Pplications For The...
£2 per acre for the ploughing up of seven-year grassland have been received for some 850,000 acres in England and Wales, and 230,000 acres in Scotland. Applications are,......
Milk Haulage Rates In Scotland
A FTER coniultation with the joint haulage committee, the Scottish Milk Marketing Board has determined the following scale of rates for the haulage of milk by road as from......
O Ne Of Our Readers At Penzance ‘../holds A Large Stock
of cylinders suitable for gas, with capacities ranging from 10 to 40 cubic ft. There are about 50 of the larger size and 150 of the smaller, but they would need the connections......
Coal Traffic Beyond Railway's Capacity T He Revelation...
time restrictions on road transport, over 300,000 tons of coal traffic have been transferred from road to rail in Yorkshire was followed by disclosures of the widespread holding......
Leyland Keeps Eye On Overseas Markets
S PEAKING at the annual general meeting of Leyland Motors, Ltd., Mr. J. H. Toulmin, J.P., chairman of the company, pointed out that a diminution in production was the major......
Another Brush - Koeia Distributor W E Are Advised That...
Great Hampton Street, Birmingham, 18, bas been appointed distributor for the BrushKoela gas producer for the counties of Warwickshire and Worcestershire,......
Special Licences Allowing For Easter A S A Result Of...
made by the C.M.U.A. and other bodies to the Minister of Transport, the latter, availablefrom $arch has now announced that Road und licences will be 21, either for the second......