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H ERE we are at the start of a New Year. Let us hope that all those who can in any way be held responsible for the present dire...
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W HEN "lifts " are given on a wholesale scale a variety of difficulties is bound to arise and in the very nature of things the...
WHILE chatting a few days ago with a ..well-known north country commercial vehicle agent and dealer, he. expressed in no light...
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That "Thy Sentinel am L" in connection with some good old steamers, can still ring true. Of part of the duties of a...
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I N a leading article in our issue dated December 6 we commented upon a suggestion by Mr. Hamish MacDougall, secretary of the...
E WEN, distribution over a wide area of light at the maximum permitted intensity is the object of a new headlamp mask designed...
R ECENTLY, an advertisement in a Liverpool evening newspaper for 100 H.G.V. drivers and 100 secondmen for Government work for...
T HE Southern Scotland Regional Commissioner requests that proprietom of all important garages used for the garaging,...
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VUE learn that action is being taken VV to draft into service heavy-goods machines which .form part of dealers' used-vehicle...
I N the first case of its kind heard by judge T. W. Longman at Scunthorpe (Lines) County Court, responsibility for the conduct...
I N a Parliamentary question just before Christmas, Captain Strickland called the attention of the Minister of Transport to the...
I N Parliament, recently, Mr. Caw, Financial Secretary to the War Office, informed Mr. Touche that the rules applying to the...
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B EFORE the adjournment of Parliament for the Christmas recess Mr. David Adams asked the Secretary of Mines two...
T HE leading article in the January edition of the Monthly Bulletin of Road Infarmation issued by the British Road Federation...
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EXEMPTION FROM CAMOUFLAGE REGULATIONS S TEPS have been taken to prevent the vehicle-camoufla g e re g ulations from causing...
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ers a Busy Time increased Work for the Fleet of a Worthing Firm of Wholesale Commission Salesmen Who Collect Fruit and...
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Showing, in Detail, How "The Commercial Motor" Operating Costs Record Can be Applied so as to Give the Small Operator All the...
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A Review of the Latest Alloys Used in Modern Special-purpose Mobile Appliances and in Auto* mobile Manufacturing Processes and...
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Modern Vehicles Need Up-to-date Equipment for Servicing and Maintenance. Black and Decker, Ltd., is a Specialist in Portable...
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■ IAL CALL for road-tra )ort services W HEN this war began, nearly 16 months ago, a policy for transport, prepared in...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of com mercial motors. Letters should be written on...
A S one who is anxious to exchange a state of depressing ignorance for one of moderate knowledge in the matter of producer gas,...
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New Hudson, Ltd. has Developed a Device for a Specific Wartime Need which has Big Post-war Possibilities for Commer cial...
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A Resume' of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published A LL HYDRAULIC transmission forms the subject of patent...