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R OAD haulage contractors will, be amazed to learn that a fresh series of demands for wage increases for their drivers is...
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A Feline Tale ConWE have often heard of cerning Awkward " something being described Manceuvring . as "the cat's whiskers," but...
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That all waste is a super-tax on war assets. That owing to the lack of spares many 'n, vehicle has immobilized itself.. That,...
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" TO INVESTIGATE RATES FOR TEXTILES D ISSATISFIED with the Yorkshire Road-Rail Committee's schedule of rates for the road...
T HE Rates Committee of the Federation of Yorkshire Road Transport Employers is shortly to issue a schedule of rates for the...
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T HE Minister of Fuel and Power was asked in the House of Commons recently whether London taxicab drivers were authorized to...
I T was requested by Mr. W. G. Brown in the House last week that the Minister of War Transport, before announcing the adoption...
CHARTERED FLEET.—At the present stage the Ministry is calling up only the heavier classes of vehicle, but this does not mean...
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A REDUCTION of 53 per cent. in petrol consumption has been achieved by a successful scheme of transport pooling for the...
L AST Sunday morning we attended a ' general meeting of the National Association of Tyre Specialists, at which problems...
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H AULIERS are very hard to please. At least, I find it next to impossible to please all of; them. The situation may be summed...
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A T all times, but particularly while we have a war on our hands, it is 'manifestly desirable that the utmost use should be...
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WHILST the scarcity of tin may W have received less publicity than that of other materials, the need for economy. in the use of...
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SSENTIALLY a stock-raising county, Radnorshire is an area "that must have given much food for thought to those responsible for...
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E CONOMY in lubricating oil is the subject of a letter' that vas circulated earlier in this year by the Petroleum Board. It...
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By "Azote N O; the title Yrs nothing to do with betting; it represents the number of battery-electric vehicles that couid have...
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Quartermaster - Corps MOW caking into use by the U.S. lAnny Quartermaster Corps are White 6-ton six-wheeled general-service...
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W HILST a slight tendency towards seizure of an injection rump plunger might be insufficient to prevent its pumping action, it...