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T HE resignation of Mr. Pybus did not come to us as news'. It was foreshadowed in our issue dated December 16, when we referred...
O NE of the Bills now before the House of Lords deals with the very important matter of the winding up of insolvent insurance...
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LA A SUPPLEMENT relating to commercial types of aircraft suitable for the widely different classes of goods and passenger...
NV ORLD conditions are not such that representative governmental bodies in important countries can afford to expend time and...
TT seems regrettable that working times in offices and elsewhere are so standardized in relation to each other. The result is...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Formal Opening of North Circular Road. Middlesex County Council is to arrange a ceremony for the formal opening of the North...
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Hum. Corporation is buying a Dennis gully-emptier. THIRSK Rural District Council recently decided to buy a 2-ton...
A N order for four A.E.C. Regent double-deckers, three having 120 h.p. petrol engines and the fourth an A.E.C. 130 hp. oil...
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I N view of the growing interest in the patent movable floor made by the Principality Wagon Co., Ltd., Port. field House,...
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A Detailed Description of the Latest Accles and Pollock Seating Equipment as Employed for Buses by Thomas Tilling, Ltd. A LL...
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for urban- delivery Work Details of the 8-10-cwt. and 81 2 -cw t . Morrison-Electric Chassis and the Special Arrangements for...
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CATTLE CARRIERS Factors to be Observed when Constructing Livestock Vehicles. Lorries for the Dual Purpose of General Haulage...
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The Case of Grey Coaches, Ltd., versus the Minister of Transport. King's Bench Divisional Court Reserves Judgment HE Lord...
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OF MORRIS COMMERCIALS Normal and Forward-control 30-cwt., 2-ton and 3-ion Vehicles of Large Freight Capacity Selling at...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [39981 Sir,—Your remarks in the leading article "Transport Educational Facilities...
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A N ont ily Supplement to "The Commercial Mo . t A Message from the Secretary of State for Air J AM delighted to hear that...
A A I R TRANSPORT—that one-time phantasy of hundreds of authors—has arrived, and on a nonsubsidized basis. A number of licences...
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By F. Handley Page, C.B.E.„ F.R.Ae.S, The System of the Future, in Which Aircraft and Motor Vehicles, Acting in Co-liperation,...
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c AFT SEL ECTION Explaining the Information which Appears in the Following Pages Concerning Various British Makes of C...
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De Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., Edgware, Middlesex T HE Dragon, the 84th model produced by the De Havilland works since it...
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Saunders-Roe, Ltd., East Cowes, Isle of Wl:ght CAPABLE of alighting on either , land or water, the amphibian type of aircraft...
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IN PARLIAMENT B.R.F. States Its Case. A . MIETING of material importance was held last Tuesday night. The Conservative Members...
MENDERS are invited by the follow1 ing (latest dates given in parentheses) :—Burnley B.C., for lime, broken stone and...
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LORD ASHFIELD ON THE POSITION OF LONDON TRANSPORT Trade Depression, Changed Habits and Popularity of Private Cars Contribute...
TWO NEW SHORT AIR LINERS FOR IMPERIAL AIRWAYS. AS a result of the growth of traffic on the London-Paris service, Imperial...
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A MOST unusual design of coach has been prepared by Mr. C. Huxsty, 29, Bnckland Lane, Maidstone, with the object of providing...
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Speed and Economy Afforded by Latest Rushton Tractors in Interdepartmental Haulage Duty at Large London Gas Works T HE number...
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Mr. Frank Pick Speaks to the Conservative Members' Parliamentary Transport Committee, Presided Over by Sir Henry Jackson AST...
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HAULIER and CARRIER of the A Compression-ignitionengined Lorry or a Petrol Vehicle ? A Conversation with a Haulier and Its...
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A R8sume of Recently Published Patent Specifications A SIMPL - P1 arrangement of tipping gear, for discharging loads to the...