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A DECLINE last year from the boom achievements of 1955 in no way detracts from the splendid performance of the British...
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_ AULIERS who wish to improve their efficiency have been given a lead by the express carriers' group of the Road Haulage...
"Canned" Buses J UDGING from reports from South Korea, the government there are likely to welcome any attempt by British bus...
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Of a reader saying that "low height" seems to him an anomalous term but he cannot think of a better one with the same meaning....
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T HE Transport and General Workers' Union took the unusual step on Wednesday of calling a national delegate conference of...
A NOTHER application for increased .wages for mu4cipal busmen has been lodged by the unions with the National Joint Industrial...
A GROUP has been appointed by the 2 - 1 working party on the construction of vehicles of the inland transport committee of the...
I involving a free scholarship for a student of mechanical engineering at the Bradford Regional College of Advanced Technology,...
B ECAUSE they cannot afford £1.4m., the Greek Government have decided not to buy the British-owned Electric Transport Co.,...
B.R.S. and Unions to Meet Again Next Week: Negotiations with Hauliers Fail E 30 m.p.h. speed limit for heavy rigid and...
VIEMBERS of the express carriers' al group of the Road Haulage Association met at the National Liberal Club, London, yesterday...
N O confirmation that insurance premiums would rise in the near future could be gained by The Commercial Motor on Tuesday,...
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T "position of a one-man haulage business when the proprietor falls ill and is unable to make arrangements for its continuance...
Coaches (Leeds), Ltd., would be renewed for only one year. In 1956, 11 out of a possible 260 dsstinations had been served. On...
A CCORDING to figures issued last week by the Board of Trade, 26,910 commercial vehicles (26,117 goods and 793 public service...
REPUDIATED • • IT was hoped that Licensing Authori- . ties would draw the attention of the Minister of Transport to cases of...
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M. P. H. R. EvANs has been elected a director of Westover Garage, Ltd. MR. P. G. WALKER has resigned from the board of Ambrose...
A MILK-FLOAT conversion of the Morris J2 van is now available from tiewens' Garages, Ltd., Bridge Road, Maidenhead, Berks. Open...
COMPLETION of Langley estate. Middleton, housing 18,000 of Man chester's overspill population, justified an increase in basic...
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W HEN Tuffnell's, Ltd., Woodburn Road, Sheffield, appealed to the Transport Tribunal in London on 'Tuesday against the...
A PPEAL1NG to the Transport Tribunal in London on Tuesday against the refusal by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority to allow...
S HOULD year-round express services with terminal connections to the smaller seaside resorts, be protected against new through...
Pl. A NEW nuclear power station is to be built at Bridgwater. Work would start in May, Mr. T. D. Corpe told the Western...
W E regret to announce the deaths of MR. I. D. TITLER and Ma. E. C. MARSH. Mr. Titter was chairman and managing director of...
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Substantive Applications Pending : Todmorden Fares Up: Service Cuts Maintained p ENDING applications for substantive increases...
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A WARDING Mrs. H. Hilton, of ri Ch a cider ton, £325 damages,, with £59 for loss of earnings, on a claim arising out of an...
A S a result of the closure of railway branch lines in France, it has become necessary not only to substitute buses and...
along the Bristol-Portishead road that a police car could not overtake him, Harold Charles Fowler, Portishead, was fined £25...
A N application by Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd., Leeds, to introduce an additional picking-up and settingdown point at Butlin's...
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WHEN Wallace Arnold Tours. Ltd., re Leeds, made a backing application to the North Western Traffic Commissioners at Manchester,...
J UDGMENT was given by Judge Sir Henry Braund at Derby County Court for Hewson Bros., Ltd., Hull, when they claimed £98 14s....
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A FTER police officers had discovered that it was dangerous to inhale the vapours of a liquid, which was dripping from a lorry...
A FTER hearing the applicant's evidence and without calling on the objectors, the We Licensing Authority last week stated that...
A FTER it had been stated that Mr. I. H. Stevens, Easton, Bristol, had operated illegally since August, 1956, his application...
A ' part of the overall scheme to convert all street lighting in the Metropolitan borough of Wandsworth to electrical...
A PROGRAMME of day tours has 2-1 been arranged by the York Pullman Bus Co., Ltd., Foss Islands, York, for York holiday week...
now surrounds Bourne mouth's central coach station, which is to be rebuilt at a cost of £300,000. Mr. A. A. Briggs, chief...
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had to place on private hire to subsidize unprofitable rural bus services was stressed by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, chairman of the...
s • • • Danish Agents: Messrs. H. Daugbjeig, Glostnip, have been appointed agents for Simms Motor Units, Ltd. in Denmark, in...
T O replace American petrol-engined vehicles, 18 Albion Clydesdale oilers have been ordered by the Vicicongo organization, who...
S. Harper, of Manchester City Council, vehicle owners in Manchester would be divided into two groups and issued with cards...
F OUR Bedford ambulances are being displayed at the congress and exhibition of the Royal Society of Health being held at...
undertaking is paying its way, Mr. J. Rostron. general manager, announced last week. Staffing cost some £5,000 less than before...
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A FTER the public policy committee of the Royal Automobile Club concluded that dense smoke from oilengined vehicles was a...
A NEW consumer fuels sales department has been formed by the Mobil Oil Co., Ltd., to co-ordinate sales of petrol and oil fuel...
THE larger free-piston-turbine binations now have a fuel economy comparable with that of similar-sized oil engines. Large units...
VISE of the K-type passenger vehicle %--/ is to be discontinued by the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., and the Lodekka...
T'HE number of licensed mechanically propelled vehicles at September 30, 1956, was 6,919,571. Of these, 101,426 were hackney...
A NEW limited-stop serince between Burnley and Colne is being used by 1,500 people daily, Burnley, Colne and Nelson Joint...
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B EFORE coming to a conclusion as to what might be the effect of the European free trade area on the British commercial-vehicle...
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Notable Improvements in Design and Road Performance Revealed by 32 Tests Conducted by "The Commercial Motor" T HIRTY-TWO...
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60-ft.-long steel girders for the new Lynmouth bridge, Devon, were delivered from Scunthorpe recently, the last part of the...
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I.T.V. Advertising for Coach Tours Need for Intensive Sales Effort in Road Passenger Transport and Careful Control of Stores...
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T HE . layout of stores often received insufficient attention. stated Mr. Lyres. Accommodation was sOmetimes inadequate and...
A SEMI-TRAILER van for the use of .C1 geological field parties - on desert assignments, made by Autodrome (Engineers), Ltd.,...
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Spares Situation has Improved : • British Manufacturers Enhance After-sales Service N OW that British manufacturers have been...
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Political Commentary By JA.NU S F OR a period of a few years that began during the last war, there was in force an Order giving...
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s Proper Place Principles to be followed when Building up Spares Stocks and Arranging them Conveniently in a Stores Area...
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9rtugal, More than Half' of 'hose Commercial Vehicles .e British, is an expanding farket A.E.C. Buses are Popular in Lisbon p...
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are still getting good service from a Bedford li-tonner which they started to operate eight years ago. S.A.R.L. are leading...
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T HE articulated vehicle lends itself to a wide variety of applications and Britain is able to supply a full range of models....
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Sixty-five A.E.C. Operate in Australia's Capital. Government Subsidy Covers Losses By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. S LXTY-FIVE...
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Credit for the Successful Development of Fully Automatic Transmissions Lies in Great Britain: Epicyclic Gear Trains, First Used...
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OOL says John S. Thorn, F.R.S.A., A.I.R.T.E. British Makers Offer Several Systems of Refrigeration for Vans :...