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Liquid Load Was Insecure
A FTER police officers had discovered that it was dangerous to inhale the vapours of a liquid, which was dripping from a lorry in Huddersfield; pedestrians were prevented from......
Grant Without Calling Objectors
A FTER hearing the applicant's evidence and without calling on the objectors, the We Licensing Authority last week stated that he thought that S.C.C. Transport (Devizes), Ltd.,......
Illegal Working: Case Fails
A FTER it had been stated that Mr. I. H. Stevens, Easton, Bristol, had operated illegally since August, 1956, his application to vary the conditions of his B . licence was......
Battery-electric For Lamp Maintenance
A ' part of the overall scheme to convert all street lighting in the Metropolitan borough of Wandsworth to electrical operation, some 4,000 lowmounting lamp standards up to 15......
York Holiday Week Tours
A PROGRAMME of day tours has 2-1 been arranged by the York Pullman Bus Co., Ltd., Foss Islands, York, for York holiday week from July , 28August 3. Each tour is priced......
£300,000 Work At Bournemouth In Preparation For...
now surrounds Bourne mouth's central coach station, which is to be rebuilt at a cost of £300,000. Mr. A. A. Briggs, chief architect of the Tilling Association, Ltd., states that......