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HE Slat Royal Show, organized by the Royal Agricultural Society of England, is being held this week at Cambridge, and on other...
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at the moment a great number of writers busy throughout the general Press giving vent to opinions which are distinctly...
( • 4 :0ITE a number of farmers—who, although they had seriously considered the question of em ploying agricultural tractors...
R ECENT developments would appear to indicate that great use will soon be made of the industrial film, particularly for...
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Of flies' time. Of ignorance of ignition. Of a summery Spring and a summary Summer. That "Flaming June" was speedily...
Passing over a canal bridge in Buckinghamshire, the driver of a char-h-bancs loaded with elderly ladies on a beanfeast bent was...
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The Samuelson Transport Co., Ltd., with commendable enterprise, propose to run coach services from several points in outer...
An unfair condition imposed by the 13irkenhead Corporation induced the Crosville Motor Co., who operate a big fleet from...
By . Flintshire County Council a letter was received from the Automobile Association and Motor Union with reference to a scheme...
The recent by-election in Fast Nottingham afforded evidence of the keen interest felt in relation to matters affecting taxation...
An inquiry was recently held at the Town Hall, Christchurch, into the -application by the Hampshire County Council to prohibit...
Glasgow Corporation has asked the Master of Works to report as to the desirability of having the light vehicular traffic...
Recently the Chester Corporation decided to impose mileage charges in connection with a motorbus service along Canal Street and...
In a report to the Westminster City Council the Highways Committee refers to the new departmental committee appointed to...
At Willesden Council's General Purposes Committee the engineer read a letter from Studebaker, Ltd., asking for permission to...
It is estimated that in the latter part of 1921 the motor vehicles registered in Denmark included 1,946 taxicabs and omnibuses...
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Some 300 guests of the Royal Society were received by the president of the.society, Sir Charles Sherrington, by the chairman of...
Glasgow Corporation Electricity Committee proposes that the rate for electrical energy used for charging motor vehicles shall...
Chester Watch Committee has refused to give Mr. J. Hendrick, Wellington Garage, Holt, a licence to run a service of motorbuses...
Mr. Robert Roberts appealed to the Ministry of Transport against the refusal of the Chester Corporation to grant him a licence...
Fuel consumption and reliability tests of the Overland delivery van were recently made by the Royal Automobile Club. A standard...
An inquiry was conducted at Stirlingshire recently by Major F. C. Cooke, D.S.O., M.C., M.List.C.E. one of the inspectors of the...
Chivers and Sons, Ltd., the wellknown jam and jelly makers, have in their service 10 Leyland 44on vehicles, the first of whioh...
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In connection with our article on the transport of heavy loads, which was published in our issue dated June 6th, we received a...
Not very long ago General Motors, Ltd., moved their business from their old premises in Theirlee Place, London, to much more...
The general slump in the Lincoln Engineering trade, in which the production of agricultural motors forms an essential part, is...
• Porilton Bridge has been scheduled by the Flintshire County Council as unsafe . for heavy traffic.. The enmity surveyor is...
The British Engineers' Association has been entrusted with the task of organizing and allotting space in the mechanical and...
At Southend Corporation Health Committee the medical officer of health submitted a letter from the clerk to the Billericay...
The report that 400 Fordson tractors are being turned out from the factory per week would seem to indicate that there is a...
August 8th will be the last date on which passengers will be able to travel on the City and South London Railway between Euston...
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The value of motor traction as compared with horse-drawn vehicles is being increasingly realized in the rural districts of...
The tramways manager reported to the Rotherham Tramways Committee that a suggestion had been made by the Rotherham R.D.C.,...
The Waltham °aunty surveyor, in view of the reduction of road haulage prices, the high rates charged by the railway company for...
Some Some interesting notes on the costs of a 1912 type T.Jiiie taxicab • are contained in "The G•reen Badge Journal,"i Which...
There was a profit of el-Ct on the Yarmouth Corporation motorbus services, but the tramways showed a loss during the year of...
Improvements. The old main road from Llandudno to Conway—narrow, tortuous and hilly— has now been improved and made modern to...
The Mojack, which is manufactured by James Wiley and Sons, Ltd., of Darlaston, for whom the sole wholesale selling...
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We illustrate on this page two International tank wagons of an extremely useful type, which have recently been supplied through...
The Works Committee of the Marylebone Borough Council reports that it has considered (4uotations for the_Asupply of two new...
J. W. Pickavant and Co., Ltd., " Quikko " Works, Lombard Street, Birmingham, have experienced such a demand for their K.H.E....
A rolled-steel wheel for heavy motor vehicles has been developed by the Bethlehem Steel Co., of America, and is being placed on...
West Hartlepool Town Council has decided to substitute trolley-buses for a section of the tramways. Glasgow Corporation has...
According to a, recant official report, the import of portable -engines and, threshing and mowing machines from Great Britain...
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The Extensive Use to Which the Agrimotor Can be Put in the Service of the Farm and the Homestead. T HIS is an age of...
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Official Information, Aided by Maps, Which Should Prove of Inestimable Value to Coach Proprietors. S O far, 41 cities and...
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The Advantages Gained by Fitting Superheaters to All Types of Steam Tractors and Over-type and Under-type Steam Wagons. T HE...
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Which is the Cheaper Mode of Transport for the Farmer—the Horse or Mechanical Power ? T HE income tax is not always regarded...
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Being a Brief Outline of the _Different Types of Vehicles Which Can Profitably be Employed in Transport on the Farm. T HE...
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IN our last issue we summarized three papers read at the recent. annual conference of the Institutipn of Municipal and County...
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A Complete Report of the Exhibits of Steam and Internal-combustion-engined Vehicles, Tractors, Traction Engines and...
D EALING first of all with the agrimotors and implements displayed in the show ground, the machine the absence of which is...
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ough Few in Number, the Vehicles on View • are Very Interesting. O WING to the S.M.M. and T. refusin g to permit signatories...
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S TEAM is the strong force so far as 1.7 haulage and transport, as displayed at the Royal Show, are concerned. Whilst not...
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and accessories are some of the most interesting exhibits to be seen in the Show. As regards the fire-fighting appliances, the...
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A Synopsis of the Opinions of a Number of West Country Farmers Based Upon Their Actual Experiences. T HE MOST pertinent...
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Interesting Mechanically Driven Vehicles and Machines Demonstrated and Put Under Trial at the Annual Conference Meeting. A S...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. I T is g enerally a g reed amon g st coachowners, especially...
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How the Tynesider's Annual Holiday was Spent. VOR ONE week in each year the Tyne sicler puts behind him all cares and worries...
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' The National Road Transport Clearing House, Ltd., and its Scheme of Operations. I OPENED the series of articles of which...
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American Efforts to Frustrate Malicious Attacks by Desperadoes upon Bank Messengers and Others Engaged in the Conveyance of...
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"The Value of the Management of a Farm is Highest when it Solves the Problem of How to Make Labour More Effective." A BOOK...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford"). D ESPITE a generous allocation of space in last week's issue, I was...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial ntotors. Letters should be on one side...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. C ONTRIBUTIONS are inlited for this page...
It may sometimes be necessary, when carrying out an overhaul, for the owner, driver, or mechanic, to hold a smooth, round shaft...
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Useful Notes on How to Avoid Trouble from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. I T HAS been extremely difficult, this week, to...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Paents. In a recent article, descriptive of a new design of steam Wagon, we referred to the...