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International Tank Wagons.
We illustrate on this page two International tank wagons of an extremely useful type, which have recently been supplied through the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., of......
Satisfactory Tipping Bodies.
The Works Committee of the Marylebone Borough Council reports that it has considered (4uotations for the_Asupply of two new tipping bodies for the two Straker-Squire motor......
Reduction In K.h.e. Ignition.
J. W. Pickavant and Co., Ltd., " Quikko " Works, Lombard Street, Birmingham, have experienced such a demand for their K.H.E. synchronized ignition for Ford vehicles that they......
Rolled Steel Wheels.
A rolled-steel wheel for heavy motor vehicles has been developed by the Bethlehem Steel Co., of America, and is being placed on the market by the Consolidated Steel Corporation,......
Local Proceedings.
West Hartlepool Town Council has decided to substitute trolley-buses for a section of the tramways. Glasgow Corporation has authorized a sub-committee to purchase a light motor......
Polish Agriculture.
According to a, recant official report, the import of portable -engines and, threshing and mowing machines from Great Britain is practically impossible owing to the fact that......