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asks Alex Kitson THE conference on "Transport and Incentives", arranged by the Institute of Work Study Practitioners last week...
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SIX DRIVERS and their Braddon and Sons (Hauliers) Ltd, of Dartford, faced 103 charges Df infringeing the hours regulations laid...
SUMMARY of the Road raffic Act 1974 prepared by ie Freight Transport ssociation is available to iembers, price 201). Since the...
A MAJOR new transport survey has been commissioned by the Highlands and Islands Development Board, It will concentrate on...
CUMBRIA County Council has decided to reimpose its ban on heavy lorries using four routes in the county. , The ban was placed...
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AS FORECAST IN CM. last week, Mr J. P. Wells, immediate past chairman of the RHA, has resigned from the Association. And his...
THE Road Haulage Association is advising members not to employ agency drivers. Mr E. W. Russell, the Association's secretary,...
Industrial blackmail The way in which the 180-year-old business of Wells and Son (London) Ltd has been forced' into...
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5y CM reporter WHILE the country goes to he polls on October 10 the toad Haulage Associaion's executive board will be leeting,...
CONTRARY to the general mood of depression in industry, employers in the transport vehicle manufacturing sector are optimistic...
PROPOSAL THAT EAVY articulated vehicles banned from the Perthverness road — A9 — has ;en turned down by the ;cretary of State...
TOO-TIGHT restrictions on the dimensions of the Channel Tunnel should be avoided, the Freight Transport Association has told...
MEMBERS of the committee set up to review the law on drinking and driving have been named this week by Fred Mulley, Minister...
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THE COSTS of distribution over the three-year period from 1971 to 1974, are estimated to have increased by 50 per cent. This...
TO ENABLE an operator to keep track of cost increases, a useful service has been introduced by Howard Pack ham and Associates...
THE Alfreton branch of BRS Ltd has moved from Greenhill Lane, Riddings, Derbyshire, to new premises on Cotes Park Industrial...
THE IRU will hold its quarterly meeting on October 15, 16 and 17 in Warsaw at the invitation of the Polish national...
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AN acceptance that the margin was likely to be curtailed and a suggestion that the , company had partly done an LA's job for...
AFTER being told about a change in maintenance arrangements, the Deputy Metropolitan LA, Mr J. L. M. Bowyer, decided not to...
IN BUSINESS as a haulage contractor at Mastin Moor (Derbyshire) Nigel Anthony Hingley, of 11, Woodthorpe-road, pleaded guilty...
stolen trailer A REWARD of .C100 is being offered by Solent Shipping and Transport Ltd of Southampton in exchange for...
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from a special correspondent THREE OF the top jobs in the Scottish bus world have gone to Englishmen. The latest appointment —...
BEDFORD is planning a number of improvements to its front-engined VAS passenger chassis which should be into production by the...
AN ACCUMULATED deficit of £2.9m on the operation of the Edinburgh municipal undertaking should be transferred to the Lothian...
GREATER Glasgow Passenger Transport Executive is introducing a new season ticket this week. A colour photograph identification...
THE FULLY automatic fivespeed gearbox designed by British Leyland for the Leyland National, known as the G2, is to be fitted to...
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A CLEAR indication that the Association of Public Passenger Transport may be considering a link with the Association of...
A USEFUL GUIDE to the prices which coach operators can be expected to pay for new chassis and bodies in the 1974-5 season has...
A GRANT of £55,170 is to be paid by Northumberland County Council to United Automobiles Services for the operation of...
A OAF coach chassis is now at the Blackpool works of Duple Coachbuilders Ltd awaiting the fitment of a Dominant 12m luxury...
This eye-catching hazard warning display which uses symbols and warning lights to indicate major component failures is used in...
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A FOREIGN buyer is 'understood to be negotiating for the purchase of London Transport's 600 single-deck AEC Merlins which it...
MORE THAN 1,000 bus crews in Leeds last week voted that a ban on Indian drivers wearing turbans while on duty should remain....
Commercial Motor has an editorial vacancy for a passenger transport writer who is knowledgeable about bus and coach operation....
A PROFIT increase of nearly f 1.5 rn in the year ended March 31, 1974 compared with the previous year is reported by the...
DETAILS of the rules covering the carriage of clogs on buses operated by the Tyne and Wear PTE were explained to members of...
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ROLLS-ROYCE is bringing out a new V8 which has already produced 373 kW (500 bhp) to BS Au 141a after 10 hours running. Full...
.,EYCA RE Service techiiques are being made vailable by British Leyland or the new CV306 range of ight commercials introuced...
KID-TROL, t he ,merican-designed heavy . uck anti-skid system, is to e marketed in the UK and urope from the Waiverampton base...
THE Technical Help to Exporters department of the British Standards Institute is to conduct an eight-country survey of the...
MODIFICATIONS to a Commer Commando G16 chassis have been made by Neate Brake Controls Ltd which enable this vehicle to operate...
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THE British Rubber Manufacturers' Association which represents Britain's tyre producers, has announced a simplified tyre...
SCOTLAND — with the new boost of oil — could respond to become the key to European progress, Sir Daniel Pettit, chairman of the...
E 1 / 2 million AN ORDER worth some £500,000 has been won by Taskers Tra i le rs for 160 semitrailers for European operation...
AN EXPORT contract has been won by the wheel division of GKN Sankey Ltd of Telford for the supply of truck wheels to the Truck...
A NEW range of "European" batteries suitable for Continental commercial vehicles has been introduced by Lucas. The range covers...
FIGURES published by the Institute of Petroleum for the first six months of 1974 show that the total demand during that period...
of arbitrary cuts FRED MULLEY, Minister for Transport. was accused last week of increasing "arbitrary" cuts in the...
Bill Scott has been appointed md of newly formed Alcan Transport Services, an operating division of Alcan Metal Centres Ltd....
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SOMEWHAT unaccountably, there now seems to be a resurgence of interest in the UK passenger vehicle market by foreign...
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The many friends of Charles Hodgson, the North Western LA with previous service in the East Midlands, will hope that his...
A truck driver in San Francisco stormed into a local Traffic Fines Bureau to protest against a citation for failing to curb his...
The annual "at home" which the IRTE holds in September was rather a special event this year. Our old friend Jack Burrill,...
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OPINION POLLS proliferating in the fertile pre-selection soil would be more convincing if they genuinely revealed the large...
Haulage contractors, it seems, are like old soldiers; they never die. But it also seems they never fade away. Charles Jameson,...
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By Graham Montgomerie THE past twelve months have been rather busy. In fact, extremely busy when I realize that this article...
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The new dynamic weighing apparatus will ensure that all vehicles are weighed at roadside checks, not just the suspect ones....
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What values should govern travel concessions? A CHANGE of environment, even if it was only a bus ride, could provide an...
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THE REPLACEMENT of the present fragmented ownership and operation of urban and rural bus services by regional transport...
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The Commercial Motor Show has come round again and the various foreign manufacturers were there in strength displaying to...
With reference to the article entitled "Go-fast bus" (CM August 23 Bird's Eye View), I would suggest that the Comments...
In Commercial Motor (September 20) Brian Cottee held an interviewwith Mr H. Redmond and Mr W. Callaghan of the International...
CM August 30 reported that Yvonne Gilmour of Glasgow was claimed to be Britain's youngest woman bus driver. I do not wish to...
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As this country is now a member of the European Economic Community, do I need journey permits? A No. Community journey...
a heavy goods vehicle driver hut I am unable to obtain an hgv licence because of my age. 1 am told that new legislation will...
chain which I can use to tow a brokendown vehicle and is there a restriction on the train length? A When a vehicle is drawing...
a small trailer which has an unladen weight of 21/2(141. I was told, the other day, that the trailer Should have the unladen...
tested two years ago but which I have since used onlv on my farm. The conse quence is that I have not bothered with the plating...
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Get rid of the RTITB, says Hull Training Group manager by John Darker AMBIM IT IS NATURAL that many views are held on the...
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by Les Oldridge TEng(CEI) MIMI AMIRTE ALMOST every week CM reports some unfortunate operator being called to an LA's public...
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To augment its range of larger tipping power packs, Tamplin Engineering is marketing a Deutz diesel pack. The air-cooled...
A new air suspension seat, the Kestrel, relies on an air sac located at the base which the driver can inflate or deflate...
A small but powerful electric air pump which will operate off a 12V battery has been produced by Schrader. Designed...
This portable, battery-operated digital tachometer operates by the conventional technique of a conical rubber contactor held...
New from Desoutter Automotive is a high-speed sander kit for the body shop — the model 331. The sander operates at 17,000rpm...