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T HE more one studies the proposed levy on road transport the more anomalous it beComes - . It is a lamentable foundation on...
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FF OR some months past those sections of the coachbuilding industry which have been conscious of the existence of woven glass,...
Triple Link in Agriculture ' f T HE advantages of co-operation have been well HE in connection with the Smithfield Show and...
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Claimed in Varitition Case IT was argued before the Transport [Appeal] Tribunal, in London, on !Tuesday, that there was no...
TN the House of Commons, on Monday, Mr, A. T. Lennox-Boyd, Minister of Transport, said that it was reasonable to suppose that...
must be told in definite terms by industry that if the iron and steel industry and the transport industry are to be playthings...
T "period of restraint against resale under the covenant has been reduced, with immediate effect, from two years to one year,...
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D ECISION was reserved by the Transport [Appeal] Tribunal, last week, on an appeal by Annis and Co., Ltd., Pump Lane, Hayes,...
" IT is manifestly desirable that the one-man concern should have enough traffic to occupy him ,usefully and enable him to...
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MR. W. P. ALLEN and the MARQUIS OF larstrimotaw have become directors of the Aldershot and District Traction Co., Ltd. Mr....
A N appeal lodged by Berresford's Motors, Ltd., against a decision of the West Midland Licensing Authority refusing. certain...
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R FSEA RC H activity of the Motor Industry Research Association has been seriously curtailed by a depletion of staff states the...
ECAUSE British manufacturers were not allowed to offer sufficiently long terms of credit, the German Bussing concern has...
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INCREASED fares have now been granted to seven more undertakings, I including Aldershot and District Traction Co., Ltd.,...
WHEN the Scottish Licensing VV Authority heard the application of Glasgow Corporation, last week, to advance the minimum single...
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I NCREASED production at Hanistead colliery on Saturdays since the introduction, niVo years ago, of private-party coach . trips...
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A N application was made by Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., and the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., last week, to run an extra 50 coaches a...
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The Electruk 1-tonner By Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. P EDESTRIAN -CONTROLLED Jpattery - electric vehicles are intriguing,...
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Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., has been authorized to capitalize £11-m. of reserves. The London offices of Pritchett and...
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T HE use of gas turbines for driving road vehicles is complicated by the wide speed range required, and a power unit designed...
rate, but for its low fuel consumption, which is claimed to be at the rate of 35 m.p.g. It is of the indirect-injection type...
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rTHE only new exhibit coming within the scope of "The Commercial Motor," to be displayed a( the Smithfield Show at Earls Court,...
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I MPARTIAL observers, looking back over the years since 1946 at the road transport scene on the Continent, all agree that...
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UCH has - been heard, and more will be heard, of the statement on transport policy prepared by the Association of British...
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read the recent series of letters in your columns deploring the spread of the so-called " new-look " front on double-deck...
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By F. D. Fitz-Gerald, F.C.I.S. Secretary, Traders' Road Transport Association Replying to Comments Made by Janus, "The...
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the actual cost of the use of tyres can be recorded. There are several ways of dealing with this problem and alt. of them seem...
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INTEREST seems to be I growing in the possibility of making multi-cylindered injection pumps having only one plunger and a...