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I T would appear that something in the nature of vexatious persecution in connection with the employment of certain...
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M ALFRED THEODOR, proprietor and editor • of our contemporary, Poids Lourd, the French commercial vehicle paper, decided...
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Military Trials of_71-tonners. The preliminary operations commenced on May 28th in connection with the trials of 7-i-ton...
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T' 4 third annual rally for vehicles using fuels other than petrol will be held from J - tily 9th to 30th next. This " BeEye...
A N efficient cleaning tank may be classed* among the necessities of the equipment for a repair shop which deals with a large...
ST. PANCRAS Borough Council has recently placed an order for an L-type Lacre sweeper. CHORLEY Watch Committee has granted...
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How the Pagefield System has Enabled Collection Costs to be Reduced. Some Interesting Facts and Figures. O NE has only to...
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Some Important Points which Will Do Much Towards Removing any Misconceptions Regarding the Position of the Articulated...
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p OLITICAL issues as such have no place in.our pages, but we are unable to refrain from reminding supporters that they should...
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By Ulsterman. Commercial Motors at the LA. Show. Jj OW the mechanization of agriculture is being effected on the transport...
A New Machine for the Issue of Tickets and the Recording of the Fares Collected. Claim to Increased Revenue and Reduced Cost....
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Mr. Sydney Garcke's Useful Evidence Opposing the Grant of the Applications of the Railways. rIN the Thursday before...
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n USES are no new thing to Manchester, for the -LP Corporation has had different types in operation for over 15 years, but...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent. MHE Rating and Valuation (Apportionment) / Bill, which provides for the...
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A ccoRDINa to the latest scientific achievement in the timber world, it looks as if it will not be long before the successful...
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The Maker's G-type Passenger Chassis Forms the Basis of the Latest Firefighting Product of the Dennis Works. • I N our last...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. D URI:NG the past few years the coaching side of the...
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Improvements in Methods of Steam Distribution Make for Economy and Higher Speeds. B EFORE dealing with recent developments in...
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W T have received from Read and Campbell, Ltd., 75, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, information relating to the Wells-Rellumit...
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A Detailed Examination of the Problem of Beet Haulage, Following the Receipt of Several Inquiries from Readers. I T is quite...
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An Improvement to the Clutch-shaft Joint of a Daimler. Dynamo Removal on the Model 417 Associated Daimler. A Peerless Big-end...
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Interesting Contributions from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. Obstinate Gudgeon Pins and Valve Springs. w E have at times...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. T HE brake shown in the specification No. 280,163 of Raymond Alexandre...