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T HE Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court really fulfils a dual function. On the one hand, it demonstrates to visitors, and to...
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Commercial 1...../Motor Exhibition this year will undoubtedly be the number of producer- g as plants on view. Moreover, some at...
Simple Instruments A N interesting device for test Devised to Check ing vehicle speeds is being Vehicle Speeds . . . used in...
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Of private-car designers feeling abashed. Of many who think Shows make bearable a gloomy season of the year. That a Roman...
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of the WEEK SILENT CHECKS ARE ON INCREASE. There are indications of the widespread employment of silent checks of...
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COUNCILLOR A. WHITESIDE, excursion and tour operator, has been returned unopposed to Blackpool Town Council. • Lancaster...
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Contracts recently placed with Crossley Motors, Ltd., Gorton, Mauchester, exceed £445,000. The orders are all for standard...
D URING the whole of last week, the Appeal Tribunal was engaged in hearing two appeals 'by McNamara and Co. (1921), Ltd.,...
is "Dangerous Speed" 7 I N a King's Bench Divisional Court, last week, Lord Hewart and Justices Humphreys and du Parcq decided...
Lincoln Corporation has ordered' 10 Leyland Titan oilers. Kettering Urbah District Council is to buy a 3-ten tipping lorry....
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"Keep Up the Pressure" " Canute's Law" Characterkes British Policy of Trying to Make Traffic HEN, 32 years ago, my father,...
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"Freak" Passenger Vehicles Are Not Vanted I T is a truism that the successful operation of road-transport undertakings depends...
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Trade and Transport Road Transport ,Vould Direct its Energies Towards Pelfection of Fluid THE King's Speech at the opening of...
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ow Road Transport Meets To-days Needs S this issue of The Com mercial Motor is published at a time when commercial-transport...
This fact, however, is usually given so much prominence when the claims of road transport are advanced that the impression may...
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with the Road Problem! E VERYONE using the highways to-day, and who has experience of the conditions obtaining, must...
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Sweep Clean, New Broom! T HE Commercial vehicle Show provides a convenient date for the industry to indulge in a little...
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Despite Everything I am Still an Optimist F OUR years ago, at the time of the Commercial Motor Show of 1933, the...
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T HERE is no subject more topical or of more enthralling interest to all carrying agencies than that of competition in freight...
The real malady that legislation was intended to cure was what might be termed "rates disease," that is to say, it was a...
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Road Transport "Sold" But Not For Sale F ROM time to time, when punitive taxation has been imposed or repressive legislation...
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Vivi I Think of the T.A.C. _Report M Y first reaction to the report of the Transport Advisory Council is one of relief—relief...
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afety Demands Taxation by Gross U7eght S H01.51,D taxation be levied on the basis of vehicle Unladen weight, or on gross laden...
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and following pages we take our readers on a stand-to-stand tour of the most remarkable exhibition of commercial vehicles,...
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Stand y6 and London-type Taxicab Form Attractive Display A A S a newcomer to the Austin range, the Twelve shooting brake will...
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Stand zu I N view of its extensive experience in the operation of passenger vehicles, the Bristol concern (which,...
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O F the examples of attachments and trailers staged on this stand, perhaps the most interesting are the Kwikfiks 6-ton...
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Stand 60 . O NE of the biggest displays in the 'L./Show is to be seen on this stand, where no fewer than 12 vehicles are...
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Stand 79 A MONG the divers exhibits on this stand, particular interest is being shown in the new 5-tanner and the aerodrome...
Stand 63 T HIS exhibit is characterized by three entirely new models, of which the rigid six-wheeler, known as the fitiRX, is...
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Stand 71 M AKING its first appearance in London--although introduced at the Scottish Show last year—an important exhibit on...
Stand So H ERE is shown, for the first time, the new 26-seater in chassis form and equipped with a Duple coach body. The...
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Stand 68 A LLeyes are focused on the two new Dennis chassis—the Max 8-tanner, and the Ajax 2i-tonner. Besides these, the...
Stand 102 E ARLIER in the year, R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., arrangzd an exhibition programme including some trailers of...
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Stand 31 S EVEN examples of the comprehensivesive E.R.F. range are displayed at Earls Court. All have Gardner engines. The...
Stand 72 ry'FIE Eagle 15-24 cubic yd. capacity 1 Cornpressmore refuse vehicle, forming one of the exhibits on this stand, is...
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Stand 19 lkfiANY improvements feature in the IVI 1933 Fodens. Situated in a prominent position in the new Earls Court building,...
Stand 73 O F transatlantic origin, four goods machines comprise this exhibit. There are two 4-tonners and two 3-tonners,...
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R ANGING in pay-load capacity from 2 tons to 5 tons, the machines exhibited by the Garner Company number fo'ur. There are two...
Stand 99 QPECIMENS from the G.M.C. range displayed on the stand of General Motors, Ltd., include a 1-tonner, a 50-60-cwt....
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Stand 70 TtITACHI1NE1 in motion always IV/attracts attention at an exhibition. Appreciating this point, doubtless, the Guy...
Stand 93 T "examples of this concern's trailer units arc shown, one being an 8-ton single-axle quickly detachable type in...
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of interest that it is hard for the visitor to know where to start. Whilst a giant bus with 330 b.h.p. 12-cylindered oil...
Stand 112 V ARIETY is, perhaps, the spice ot the Indiana exhibit, which comprises an articulated outfit, a horsebox, two...
Stand 98 F ROM the many examples of 8-cwt. and 12-cwt. vehicle shown, it is evident that this three-wheeled machine lends...
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Stand 14 'UNDOUBTEDLY the highlight of %-d I the International range, as shown at Earls Court, is the new 1)300 forward-control...
Stand 87 B RIGHTLY coloured vans—four in number—comprise the exhibit staged by Jowett Cars, Ltd. Two of these are described as...
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Stand 6f WIDELY varied in nature are the W exhibits on this stand. They consist of three mechanical horses for use with...
Stand I0f O NCE again the well-known Latil 1 .--/Loco Traulier is displayed at the Commercial Motor Show. Visitors to the...
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Stand 66 La VERYBODY is, of corn - se, making the obvious pun about the new Leyland Gnu. This company is an adept at naming...
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Stand 78 T WO passenger chassis and a goods model, known respectively as the Marathon, Magna and Mogul, are being marketed for...
Space of 119 cubic ft. Low Stand 86 THE two 5-cwt. vans and the four 10-cwt. vans exhibited are noteworthy, not only . for...
Stand 110 T HE Opel, a product of General Motors, Ltd., was introduced to the British market only a short time ago, since when...
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COMMHRCIAL Stand 77 N OW that the Show is open, the veil of mystery surrounding the MorrisCommercial programme is lifted. On...
S tand I06 of Diverse Businesses n NE of the best-known commercial vehicles in America, the Oldsmobile has been on the British...
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Stand 34 L ONG experienced in the manufacture of trolleybuses and electric goods vehicles, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd.,...
Stand SI E STATE vehicles are rapidly becoming popular in this country, and many makers are producing standard models. One of...
and NEPIIHIF Stand 43 T WO examples of six-wheeled rigid conversion units are shown on this stand, one being fitted to a...
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Stand 64 E IGHT models embracing the full range of Reo 15-cwt., 3-ton, 4-ton and 5-ton products, with long and short...
LORRIES Stand 82 F OR those who are interested in heavy long-distance transport there is a strong appeal on the Scammell...
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Stand 91 P OPULAR with operators ot light vans at home and abroad, the Singer 5-7-cwt. van, costing £117 10s., is a good...
Stand 90 O F imposing appearance and affording ample power under the most difficult conditions, four Studebakers, in 3-ton,...
S tand 96 A S one of the leading manufacturers of specialized low-loading ambulances, Clement Talbot, Ltd-, exhibits two...
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Stand 107 LIVERY exhibit on the Sunbeam .La stand is electric. By reason of their recent introduction, the battery electric...
Stand III B UILT for the transport of heavy L./machinery, the 14-15-ton detachable low-loading semi-trailer on view on this...
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Stand y8 T WOpassenger machines constitute the main features of this exhibit. The first is a 26-seater bus which is called the...
Stand 3) O Fprincipal moment on this stand is the Special Senior 12-cwt. van of 160-cubic-ft. capacity. A roller shutter at the...
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Stand 17 Q BSEVVATIONS suggest, that this exhibit is one of the Chief attractions of the 1936 Show. There seems good reason to...
Stand 36 A DETACHABLE semi-trailer of the well-known Four-in-Line type coupled to a Morris-Commercial is a salient feature of...
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Stand 33 THIS exhibit marks the entry into 1 the tractor field of Universal Power Drives, Ltd. The company is showing a new...
Stand 83 A MONG the six Vulcan exhibits is to be found a forward-control 5-ton tipping lorry with a Gardner 4LK fourcylindered...
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H OLDING the Commercial Motor Show at two-yearly intervals helps to emphasize the remarkable developments which are taking...
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bY Considerations of Economy Make it Essential that the H. Scott Hall, Fleet Operator Should Give Careful Thought to the...
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g ive hauliers somethin g to think about. Some operators have more cause for consideration than others—for example, those whose...
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A S the result of two years collaboration between London Transport and the Leyland Company, a new experimental Green Line coach...
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Passenger Transport BUSES TO REPLACE MIDLANDS TRAMS? MEGOT1ATIONS are taking place 1 Nbetwe,ert Smethwick Town Council and ....
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G OVERNORS fi tted to the buses in question might have been tampered with, suggested the clerk to Doncaster West Riding...
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QTEPS which are being taken under, is-) the auspices of A.R.O. to establish throughout the country machinery for the...