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M ANUFACTURERS o t commercial vehicles are a o w recognizing t h e importance of the driver. He is able to influence the...
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THERE is an old saying that what Lancashire does 1 today the rest of the country does tomorrow. If this is still true, a...
Men of Decision Needed A N engineer or designer is often 'called upon to make decisions ranging from quite simple matters to...
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That the only " holiday " of many ." boss" is a conference. That it was imagination that nabled man to " extend " his thumb 1y...
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S COTTISH hauliers retaliated against British Railways over the question of normal user, this week, by putting up still...
A HALF-SHARE interest in the tran: port side of John Rhind (Haulag Contractors), Ltd., has been acquired b Charles Alexander...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT B ECAUSE of badly prepared applications, which sometimes result in two or three adjournments,...
T HE award of a contract to an operator to run a service under an assisted travel scheme is a material factor when deciding...
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MR'. W. G. GOFF, personnel •manager at Fort Dunlop since 1945, tetires at the end of this month afier.44 years-with the Dunlop...
A DECISION by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners, refusing them permission to operate excursions to Skegness, Southport and...
the year, Rotherham Transport Department made a net surplus of' £29,738 in the year ended March 31 last. fhe number of...
A NEW board has been set up to 1 - 1 control Coras lompair Eireann, the road and rail transport undertaking which has until...
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A HAULIER applying for three new rk A-licence vehicles at Birmingham, last week, objected to the case being heard by Mr. W. P....
TRADERS wanting to support hauliers in the traffic courts do not always send the right witnesses, Mr. J. R. Lindsay, North...
TOLD that there, was a shortage of transport at Cheadle, near Stoke-onTrent, the . West Midland Licensing Authority; Mr. W. P....
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F OR attempting to get 16s, subsistence allowance from his employers by false pretences, James T. Osgodby, haulage driver, of...
E XPORTS in June of 6,860 commer1 -1 ciil vehicles represented an artificially low level, as shipments were held up because of...
B OTH the Transport and General Workers' Union and the bus industry employers were this week expecting an early decision by the...
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rHE supreme champion in the Lorry • Driv :r of the Year Competition at 3oveatry Airport on September 21 will • bceive a prize...
IA A FTER admitting that they had undertakenillegal tipping work With Cficehsed vehicles, 1. Perkins and Son, Ltd., Ellesmere...
N a written judgment issued on • Wednesday, the • Transport Tribunal ave sent back to the Scottish Licensing Luthority for...
A LTHOUGH revenue increased by 1 - 1 £77,544 in the last financial year, Nottingham City Transport incurred a loss of just over...
A N objection by the British Transport Commission was unsuccessful at Chester, on Tuesday, when Williams Bros., Queensferry,...
A FTER more than 50 years in the road passenger transport industry, Mr. F. P. Arnold, a member of the Tilling Group management...
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• A PPLICATIONS by the Bristol / -1 Omnibus Co., Ltd., for more than 50 alterations to their bus routes, -were granted by the...
but two of the transmission units .r. - Ito be displayed, at the Commercial Motor Show by the David Brown automobile gearbox...
D ECISION has now been given by t Northern Licensing Authority, J. A. T. Hanlon, in the case of Siddle Cook, Ltd., Consett, who...
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A DRAFT Passenger Charges Scheme was submitted — 1 on Monday by the British Transport Commission o the Transport Tribunal. It...
A BOUT 600 maintenance workers, all of them over 60, will shortly be retired from London Transport. Most of them are already...
C APABLE of carrying a 6-ton payload, a new dumper introduced by the Chaseside Engineering Co., Ltd., and known as the D5, is...
A HYDRAULICALLY operated tailL -1 board loader with a capacity of 15 cwt. has been introduced by EdbroB. and E. Tippers, Ltd.,...
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L ATEST newcomer to the growing range of small. 1 -4 economy vans is a new import from Italy by Fiat (England), Ltd., Water...
T HE interests of the Kromhout concern, of Amsterdam, Holland, in the production and sale of chassis are to be taken over by...
F URTHER amalgamations of motor manufacturers to improve the British motor industry's position in a European Free Trade Area...
on October 4, one of the coaches on display will immediately be prepared to start a trip to India the following day. The...
QHOWN to the Press on Tuesday, a n driver's seat for commercial vehicl produced by A. W. Chapman, Li Ranelagh Gardens, London,...
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Guy Introduce Revolutionary Passenger Chassis• and Ultralightweight Eightwheeler I N addition to representative models from...
A PROPOSAL • by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., to start a stagecarriage service between Foxfield and Coniston, has been approved...
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• New Leyland has Separate . Chassis and Beam Ax/es: Simplified Design Gives • Greater Choice of Body Layouts : Low-height...
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Remarkable Results with New Brockhouse Units for "Attics" B ASED on well-tried principles; a new coupling gear for articulated...
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A ' NEW model from M. 6. Rowe (Motors), Dublebois, Ltd., will be displayed on the forecourt of West Brompton station during the...
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H AVING equipped several small tanker semi-trailers with proprietary trailing arm air suspension systems using circular...
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Latest Addition to Foden Range is the K-type Eight-wheeler, Notable for its Low Chassis Weight: Foden Two-stroke Oil Engines...
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Bird's Eye View By The Hawk I WONDER whether the manufacturers who are tumbling over one another to produce 12-seat public...
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T "prototype Dennis Paravan, fully described in The Commercial' Motor on August 8, went into service with Essex Carriers, Ltd.,...
I N the, past few years more than 30,000 conversions of the Bedford 10-12-cwt. 90-in.-wheelbase van have come off the...
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O F FERED as an alternative to the Marks integral power-assisted steering unit, a linkage-type servo has been developed by the...
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MPROVED versions of their S.14 and S.15 models have been introduced by the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., in...
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Dumper A MODIFIED version of the A.E.C. 1 - 1 Mammoth Major 6 six-wheeled dumper has been introduced by A.E.C., Ltd.,...
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Political Commentary By JANUS O NE significant feature that may be detected in the appointment of advertising agents by the...
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How Improved Designs of Parcel Van Can Affect Costs by Speeding Up Work Planning for Profit T [ME is always an important and...
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13111 UBLIC interest seems to be awakening I to the possibilities of noxious gases being contained in the exhaust from road...