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Men In The News
MR'. W. G. GOFF, personnel •manager at Fort Dunlop since 1945, tetires at the end of this month afier.44 years-with the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. • MR. W. L. RAKER, manager of the......
"commissioners' Decision Illogical"
A DECISION by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners, refusing them permission to operate excursions to Skegness, Southport and Bridlington, was contested last week by Wetton and......
Fewer Passengers, But _ £29,738 Surplus Nespite Serious...
the year, Rotherham Transport Department made a net surplus of' £29,738 in the year ended March 31 last. fhe number of passengers declined by 2.49m., and in the past' two years......
New Board To Start Cie. On Way To Profit
A NEW board has been set up to 1 - 1 control Coras lompair Eireann, the road and rail transport undertaking which has until 1964 to start making a profit. Chairman of the......