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:REDIT must be given where and when it is due, but imported hassis manufacaturers don't always get their fair share. In those...
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E ROAD Haulage Association could be very different in the future entative plans for a streamlined organisation are put into...
IE "quiet heavy lorry" was the I rag which sent the Council the Protection of Rural Engid charging towards Transit Secretary...
THE Road Haulage Association has been forced to accept the Transport and General's unofficial stamp system, designed to rid the...
THREE Road Haulage Associa tion areas have already receive , wage claims in line with th £100 for 35 hours policy agree , last...
FURTHER factory closures in the Leyland Group seem imminent, following the announcement of a loss of £47m in the first half ol...
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OWN-ACCOUNT operators won two victories over Lancashire 'olice last week when magistrates ruled that lorries used on dooro-door...
HE BACKLOG in collecting alue added tax should be leered by early October, ccording to HM Customs and xcise. Around two...
take over . THE WORKS of Besco Booli commercial vehicle and III builders, at St Helens, MI ceased trading a month la have been...
THE RATE at which diesel fuel prices are increasing has begun 041 off slightly, according to figures released by the...
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LOCATIONS for apprentice ining grants (CM, August 29) II be made on a first-come rt-served basis. he Manpower Services...
GLASGOW'S streets will be come congested again i authority is not given for corn pletion of the city's inner rim motorway...
A YOUNG Workers Scheme to start early next January aims to encourage employers to recruit more young people at realistic rates...
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)I.LS through the Arblergtun1 in Austria have been in3ased by ten per cent. For a vehicle and trailer with I to three axles,...
VECTIS TRANSPORT is to witl draw its Portsmouth-Newpo (Isle of Wight) barge service c October 31, but the company...
A SPECIAL competition for owner-drivers is being staged on Satui day, September 19, the day before the CM Lorry Driver of the...
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As they enter the docks, drivs should report to the Harbour aard export freight check-in sk beside the outward immiation...
TNT OVERNITE has opened Elm terminal at Thetford, handle collections and delive in the Norfolk and Suffolk are The terminal,...
Ltd is George Owens no was formerly financial ntroller. He replaces Tom En;, who has left the company. Ian Lindsay has been...
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W BODY, equipped to handle servicing and minor repairs plant and vehicles which ak down in remote places ay from main power and...
A SAND and gravel radial tyl specially designed for use c drive axles in on/off road cone tions has been announced Avon....
AMBULANCES worth aroun £650,000 have been despatche to Ghana by Lax Engineering Lt of Totton, Hampshire. The 34 Transit-based...
to 12 vehicles in the fleet of Suttons of St Helens for evaluation. The fleet consists of 300 ERFs and Seddon Atkinsons based...
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LARGE AND SMALL sizel moulded glass-fibre wind lectors, for vehicles ran. from trailers and vans to Lut are now available from...
A RADIO-CONTROLLED parts distribution operation for commei vehicles has been introduced by Lex Tillotson, commercial vet...
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IAL-A-RIDE door-to-door pick up and set down service within Borough of Halton for an experimental period of six months is to...
RES on all West Midlands PTE s and local rail services are to reduced in West Midlands unty next Sunday (Seprther 6). Up to...
COMMUNITY Transport has published a revised edition ol Starting Up, its guide to hell small organisations buy and run minibuses...
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)URTEEN coach operators have joined the Local European Coach perators consortium which plans to market Continental tours for...
IN AN EFFORT to encoura! greater use of public transpo Suffolk County Council has pu lished a comprehensive guide bus, coach,...
A STAFFORDSHIRE independent has hit upon an effective way attract new traffic to a declining stage service. By providing a ter...
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74: All traffic uses the southbound carriageway at Johnstonege, Dumfriesshire due to long-term bridge widening. 77: A 12-tons...
1(M): The southbound carriageway is reduced to one lane been Birtley interchange (junction A69) and Vigo interchange...
and a Eaton Socon, one and a half miles west of St Neots. A41: Temporary signals are in use at Chesterton Hill, on the War...
Al2: There are major roadworks at Kelsale, between Lowestoft and Ipswich. A40: Delays are expected on Western Avenue in the...
A40: There is single-line traffic between Raglan and Abergavenny. A370: Delays are likely on the Yanley Lane viaduct section of...
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ITH REFERENCE to your recent teresting feature comparing e relative merits of the Ford . ansit and Mercedes vans' one ing your...
WE WELCOME your criticisms regarding service in the rental industry (CM, August 15). Hertz, who jealously guard a high service...
ANYONE who thinks he may have an old Perkins diesel may be able to help us in our search for the oldest working engine. Fox...
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IEN I heard that Stone Age n's feat about 4,000 years ago lauling 20-ton blue dolorite nite columns from North nbrokeshire to...
AVUNCULAR attitude of the ce towards the crowds in don for the Royal Wedding st have helped to remove the ns on their...
ON A CLEAR Day You Can See General Motors, by J. Patrick Wright (Sidgwick and Jackson, £2.95), is a study in disenchantment....
THE FREQUENTLY maligned repair side of the British motor industry may console itself with the thought that its 20-year-old...
A 57-year-old woman bus driver who had seven accidents in 21 weeks commented indignantly: "I have been made a laughing stock."...
THERE IS no nepotism at ERF and blood is no thicker than water. This is implicit in the request by the chairman and managing...
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Scania came, saw, but has no intention o conquering. Expansion is the name of th( game, and that could be good news for Britain...
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The piece de resistance from Scania righ now is the charge-cooled DSi8 engine, bt the Swedish manufacturer was never one rest...
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Trunk hauls and High Street drops, durability and flexibility. That's the name the game for Multiple Fruit Supplies who" always...
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Exclusion and expulsion by Douglas Ainley IE 1980 Employment Act is iwly getting off the ground. In a first reported case...
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With the help of three generations of reliable Scania-powered buses, the steel, town's no-nonsense, one-man, flat-fare approach...
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Scania has always believed in making driving as safe and easy as possible, and with a number of innovative features, thi P82 M...
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IEDUCING stock levels and im'roving the rate of turnover, while giving a better service, nust be major aims for any...
CM IS ORGANISING a pre-Christmas five-a-side football tournament in aS4 ciation with Renault Trucks & Buses UK Ltd. It is open...
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RUNNING a trade association is a task much like that of the Corinthian King Sisyphus whom the gods condemned to push a rock...
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iary dates Institute Of Road Transport Engineers. Talk on Caterpillar Truck Engines by E. Ferrel, Caterpillar Overseas S.A. at...