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No Tacho For Sales
OWN-ACCOUNT operators won two victories over Lancashire 'olice last week when magistrates ruled that lorries used on dooro-door selling do not need tachographs. In both cases,......
The Vatrnan Cometh
HE BACKLOG in collecting alue added tax should be leered by early October, ccording to HM Customs and xcise. Around two million payment nd repayment returns, heques, and other......
take over . THE WORKS of Besco Booli commercial vehicle and III builders, at St Helens, MI ceased trading a month la have been taken over by a !in company, Supertrucks Ltd. 1......
Fuel Prices Bottoming Out
THE RATE at which diesel fuel prices are increasing has begun 041 off slightly, according to figures released by the International Fk Transport Union. After running at a 112 per......