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T HE long-laid plans of the Socialists to insti tute a rigid policy of nationalization as soon as possible after they gained...
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F OR two distinct reasons, Continental bus operators are turning to the one manoperated single-decker. In Sweden, a sharp rise...
Preventing Rail A CONCERN in the MidDamage May Be . 4 Th lands performs special Wasteful wits en any casting which must...
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That in these days of traffic congestion, even angelic drivers could do with rubber wings That if it were made legal, a good...
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A ccoRorNG to "The Economist," JTh there is a possibility of foreign manufacturers producing vehicles for the British armed...
H ASTINGS magistrates last week 'awarded Peter Keevil and Sons, Ltd., London. W.2, E5 5s. costs against the Hastings Police,...
P ERMISSION to run 300 Festival excursions from Leicester and 100 from Hinckley was granted to the Birmingham and Midland Motor...
I T is now officially confirmed that Seddon Diesel Vehicles, Ltd., which was incorporated on March 16, has been converted into...
A CONTRACT worth over £500,000 as been received by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., through its distributor, Robertson and...
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D ESPITE the international crisis, Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., last year produced the record number of 87,454 vehicles-4 per cent....
the judgment of the House of Lords in the case of W. H. Smith and the London Transport Executive is likely to have on the...
D EMONSTRATIONS of the Scammell Scarab mechanical horse were given on Monday at the Scammell works at Watford, and at the...
A N application to operate one-man buses between Hitchin and Welwyn, Herts, has been made to the Metropolitan Licensing...
T HE whole of the issued share capital of King and Taylor, Ltd., the Godalming coachbuilder, has been acquired by Godfrey's,...
i T is understood that the decision in the appeal of Annis and Co., Ltd., may be given by the Appeal Tribunal next week. It is...
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uAULIERS should not refuse work offered by the Road Haulage Executive or refrain from applying for job permits. Free-enterprise...
T HE Gateshead and District Omnibus Co., Ltd., and Newcastle-on-Tyne Corporation have received sanction to run five more bus...
Licensing Authority, Mr. J. Foley Egginton, to a function of the Road Passenger and Traasport Association, last week, Cllr. J....
B EFORE leaving for the South Bank exhibition, where it will be exhibited, the Coventry Climax fork-lift truck was demonstrated...
T HE Leeds address of Fcrodo, Ltd., is now 80, North Street, the depot remaining under the management of Mr. F. Booth. The...
MR. J. R. TAYLOR has succeeded the late M. PETER BALL as personnel manager of the Triplex factory at St. Helen's. MR. G M....
(IN Wednesday, Sheffield City ‘-/Council was asked to approve a decision of the transport committee to replace trams by...
E XPANSION of membership of the Omnibus Pasiengers' Protection Association is reported from the west and south. Local...
F OR the present, it is understood, R. Dickson, Jnr., Ltd., Dundee, has withdrawn its application to run coaches between London...
K EEN competition among bodybuilders, it is stated, accounted for Glasgow Transport Department's obtaining 30 new bus bodies...
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B A D summer weather and reduced public spending power have hit the receipts of yet another bus company. Whilst the mileage of...
R E-POPULATION of the Highlands was the prerequisite to economic transport in the region, which was important to Britain as a...
TWENTY-SIX inspectors have applied I to Sunderland Transport Committee for higher pay. They point out that as a result of...
"no OAD and rail should be a IN. partnership in transport, but we hope the senior partner will stop playing ducks and drakes...
New British Standards concern lightalloy section sizes and air filters. An economic survey of Turkey has been published by the...
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WORKMEN'S fares will go up by Id. VV and ordinary fares, from the/ 11d. minimum to 44d., will be raised by id. if a Birmingham...
35a, Naylor Road, London, S.E.I5, will be available for use by coaches for parking during the Festival of Britain. The fee will...
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W HEN the Model Railway Exhibition opened at Central Hall, Westminster, on March 27, one of the stands was not in position. In...
THE capacity of the Shell refinery at Cardon, Venezuela, is to be doubled by 1952, when it will handle 7m. tons a year....
A S a result of the amicable settlement of the differences existing between the Falgar Motor Co., Ltd., and Mr. C. G. Crellin...
O PERATING costs of the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co., Ltd., were now twice as great as before the war. said Mr. W. T....
L ONG-SERVICE awards have been made to 127 employees of the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., and associated concerns. Gold...
N Ew proposals by Brighton Corporation concerning picking-up and setting-down passengers on Marine Drive have been strongly...
T HE first with power-assisted steering to be put into service in Britain. a Daimler bus was recently handed over to Mr. P. J....
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I N 1949, Barton Transport. Ltd.. Chilwell. Noitsi modified a number _ of forward-cOntrOl single-deckers based on Leyland PSI...
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"rINE day in the coming summer, a road accident will occur which will involve the millionth person to be killed or injured on...
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By L. J. COTTON, m.I.R.T.E. Carrying Three-quarters Load, the Harbilt r-ton Battery-electric Chassis Performs Well on "The...
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Would Disc Brakes Overcome the Problems of Heat Checking and Scoring ? WHETHER the disc brake was likely W to replace the drum...
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R AILWAY locomotives and rolling stock built in this country for export, frequently have to be ransported to the docks by road....
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mes Economic Pri ms By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher, F.R.S.A. A N excellent example of a successful policy of "make-do and mend" in...
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Works Trucks Demonstrate Their Ability to Speed-up Vehicle Loading • E VIDENCE of the Increasing interest taken by the British...
Street Sweeping A METHOD of street sweeping that combines efficiency with flexibility was described by Mr. R. G. Totty,...
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Says G. H. GRANT RICHARDS, A.M.I.Mech.E. Mechanical Transport Department, Sudan Government Wanted: A Vehicle of 30-cwt. to...
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PECULATION on the Budget this year is even l i gloonnier than usual. There are not likely to be cuts in Government spending and...
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Differences Between Company and Municipal Bus Undertakings Expounded by the Reading General Manager B ECAUSE they can...
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' HE specialist furniture remover has always been I considered fair game for the general carrier, and so the present lean times...
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I HAVE been asked by a reader to give some fi gures for the operating costs of vehicles employed on . furniture removal. He...
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• DATENT No. 650,635 comes from W. Chaplin and W. Crane, both of South Green Works, Dereham, Norfolk, and shows a design for a...