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Foreign Vehicles For U.k. Forces ?
A ccoRorNG to "The Economist," JTh there is a possibility of foreign manufacturers producing vehicles for the British armed forces, because of the shortage of materials, labour......
Police Pay Costs In Marking Case
H ASTINGS magistrates last week 'awarded Peter Keevil and Sons, Ltd., London. W.2, E5 5s. costs against the Hastings Police, after accepting a submission by the defence that......
400 Festival Trips For B.m.m.o.
P ERMISSION to run 300 Festival excursions from Leicester and 100 from Hinckley was granted to the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibm Co., Ltd., by the East Midland Licensing......
£400,000 Company To Build Seddons
I T is now officially confirmed that Seddon Diesel Vehicles, Ltd., which was incorporated on March 16, has been converted into a public company with a capital of £400,000,......
1.500,000 Order For Thornycroft
A CONTRACT worth over £500,000 as been received by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., through its distributor, Robertson and Moss, Ltd., for a number of three-axled heavyduty......